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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NZ - Letter

Fluoride again

Fluoride (Chronicle; February 15) raises its controversial head again.
Dentists have always been in favour of fluoride, and there has for decades been a strong backlash against it.

I became aware of strong feelings of local people against fluoride about 40 years ago, when a (then) Wanganui City Council voted to fluoridate our water. That innocent, well-intended decision raised such a stink in Wanganui the council was forced into a public referendum. The democratic vote of citizens rejected fluoridation.

There are those on both sides of the debate who gather "cohort" evidence to support their case (cohort research is recognised as scientifically valid and is used when "case/control" research is inappropriate).

Therefore, I must leave the chemical dangers/safeties of fluoride to those who, presumably, know what they are talking about, although it is scary to realise highly intelligent people on both sides can come to such diametrically opposed views.

My primary concern is: Where has democracy gone? A few years ago some towns in New Zealand had to fight their councils, just as we did long ago, to prevent their water supply from being fluoridated by local-body political decree.

Central government politicians subsequently decreed that fluoride is not a medication, hence no need to ask citizens whether they wanted to be forced to drink it. Such weaselly political underhandedness was compounded by making District Health Boards the sole arbiter of whether a town was to get fluoridation. It could only be politicians who put health boards in charge of alleged non-medications. One wonders why. Stupid!

I have no problem with fluoridation, but I do have a big problem with enforced "doping" of drinking water, when history clearly demonstrates majority votes do reject it.

Those who want fluoride can use fluoride toothpaste, fluoride tablets, or ask for fluoride treatment at their next dental appointment.

Don't force it on majorities who reject it. Count me in on the fight for democracy.



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