NZ: Federal Control of Fluoridation Would be a Nightmare

For the past year or so, I’ve been following a critical situation in New Zealand, where local communities decide whether to fluoridate their water supplies. A number of communities have said no.
A bill in the national parliament would change all that.
If the bill passes, the decision to fluoridate would fall into the hands of so-called District Health Boards—which are part of a federal system. At that point, New Zealand would be fluoridated as a matter of top-down command; local choice would be gone.
Now, there is a battle going on in the parliament about allowing debate on the science of fluoridation. Apparently, the pro-fluoridation forces are terrified that open presentations will expose official lies and destroy their position.
A press release (1/31) from Fluoride Free New Zealand describes the situation:
National Health spokesperson, Jonathan Coleman, is castigating the Government for allowing the latest science on fluoridation to be aired. “This is now going to unfairly colour the debate and raise questions in people’s minds, especially MPs who are going to vote on these Bills,” says Coleman.'
Read More: NZ: Federal Control of Fluoridation Would be a Nightmare
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