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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Yet another fluoride-IQ study

Yet another fluoride-IQ study

As with most of these fluoride-IQ studies this one is only relevant to areas of endemic fluorosis (This is from a UNESCO paper and has been corrected for New Zealand. Identification of fluorosis in a country does not imply the whole country is high fluoride).
Yes, it’s a bit like groundhog day. Another fluoride-IQ study – and we expect this to be followed by another round of claims by anti-fluoride propagandists that this is the death knell to community water fluoridation. That this study provides the “irrefutable proof” that fluoride is a “neurotoxin.”
But that interpretation is completely wrong. This new study does nothing of the sort – in fact, quite the opposite.
The new study is:
Now, why is this study absolutely useless for those opposing community water fluoridation?....................
I'm sure Ken Perrott will tell us why. Nothing will ever change his mind like mine. I just don't want it put into drinking water. 


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