Paul Connett PhD
Episode Description
Recently, Paul Connett and his wife, both experts on the deadly substance fluorine, went to Washington to testify in the EPA hearings on water fluoridation. They drove for hours from upstate New York to Washington, and were put on the agenda to testify as to the science and effects of fluoride. When they were scheduled to testify, they were told that they had THREE MINUTES to talk, and no more would be allotted, although there was ample time in the schedule for speakers to allow them to speak longer. Any dissent, any mention of the actual science behind the opposition to water fluoridation was completely silenced and suppressed, showing that the EPA is NOT a science-driven agency, but a political agency driven by imperatives different from protecting the environment and population of the United States. Time for this agency to change administrators and/or be abolished, as it is NOT serving its stated purpose, rather just the opposite.
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