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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, December 31, 2017

F.A.N. Newsletter

We have used the following cartoon several times over the years.
We want to update that cartoon with a victory today. When we set a goal of raising $200,000 by midnight tonight many people thought it was an “impossible task,” just like the frog in the cartoon. Its rather like the “impossible task” of fighting fluoridation: hundreds of very determined citizens fighting government power and the multi-million dollar budget of the pro-fluoridation lobby. But just as in 2017 with our TSCA lawsuit we showed that the citizens could win, today, on New Year’s Eve we are on the verge of reaching our ambitious $200,000 goal. With your help we can win this too, and finance our 2018 campaign which will include hiring a full-time director.
This morning at 7 am we had reached a total of $189,049 from 740 donors. We need another 11,000 dollars. Impossible? No.
Every donation will be doubled (that halves the challenge to $5,500). And if we can get another 60 donations (i.e. we reach 800 donors) we will win a challenge pledge of $7,000! Impossible? No. We have someone standing by ready to donate $200 to cover 20 donations of $10 each – all we need are the names of 20 (or 5, or 10) people who you know who want to see an end to fluoridation and we will enter their names to our list for free. Just send their names (and states) to me at pconnett@gmail.com .

How to Donate: 

You can make a donation at our secure online server, or by check, payable to Fluoride Action Network.  Click here for donation details. 

Yesterday, we asked you for your reasons for spending so much time and energy fighting fluoridation and here are four of the replies we received.
John Crowther from Rutland, Vermont
I don't want to live in a country where science can be corrupted and our health compromised for 70 years to satisfy the interests of industry and the complacency of the dental profession 
Putnam Dexter from Joplin, Missouri
I am trying to do everything I can to end water fluoridation and support FAN's efforts in this regard. I have read The Case Against Fluoride from cover to cover and read all your bulletins. I have also watched that video pertaining to the horse that was hostile until they gave him non-fluoridated water. It pushed me to go out of my way to provide my dog non-fluoridated water. I also help train dogs. That is, I am an actor, and the dog trainers require the assistance of actors to simulate medical scenarios for the service dogs. I informed the lady who runs the dog-keeping business, and she lamented that they can’t afford to provide the dogs non-fluoridated water. Sad, because it might very well make all the difference for the dogs they keep and train and for the success of their business. This reminds me of the problem of low-income families not being able to afford non-fluoridated water to make-up baby formula.

I want this venom out of our water. I understand you have been fighting tirelessly all these years, and I want you to know your solemn tirades have not fallen entirely on deaf ears. I’m disabled, so I can’t do the things I would be doing if I weren’t so restrained, but if I weren’t, I would provide FAN with thousands of dollars and that would be the least of my contributions. I have a long list of general health problems, and I wonder how much fluoride exposure has contributed to these.  
Sam Pojar from Queensland, Australia.
I have been campaigning against this fraud for over 50 years.

I feel it is like trying to stop an avalanche. Would love to see
the END of it. Thank you so much for all that you and FAN do. It is
amazing how it takes so much energy to stop this.

More power to you all. LET'S END THIS!

Joe Stokes from Dallas, Texas, sent us his testimony before the Dallas City Council on April 27, 2016 (click on picture for video):
We are sending a copy of John D. MacArthur's book, "Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix" to John, Putnam, Sam and Joe.
We will also send a copy of this book to donors # 745, 750, 755, 760, 765, 770, 775, 780, 785, 790, 795 and 800 today.
All that remains for me to say on behalf of the whole of FAN’s fundraising team ( Stuart, Jay, Ellen, Dawna and Bill O and Bill H and Neil and Regina and so many more…) is to thank you all for your very generous contributions to FAN and everything else you are doing to end this reckless practice around the world, meanwhile
And remember fight the good fight but have FUN doing it!
Thank You,
Paul Connett, PhD
Senior Advisor
Fluoride Action Network

See all FAN bulletins online


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