Fluoridation is more toxic than ARSENIC. - - DR. William Hirsy, of EPA, and retired Nurse Cindy Schaaf go on record about the health KILLING effects of Fluoridation of Water, foisted on a dumbed down population, as a "Health" benefit against dental decay. William Wagener gives you via On Second thought, a weekly Tv show produced, copyrighted, since May 2000 in Santa Maria, a stunning EXPOSE' of the People fighting against their own city Government criminals lead by Mayor Larry & City Manager Tim Ness, exposing the massive corruption in their local government and a failed judicial system, which violates the Constitution. ... and violate the election laws to get away with it, and more... death , kidnapping, harassment... Feb. 2003, before YOU TUBE, and the stolen Election of Nov. Adolph Hitler immediately implemented just such propaganda, and to this day 95% of Europe KNOW and would fight in the streets to STOP Fluoridation = Slow Poisoning of the Population, and dumbing them down
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