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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

USA Dover -To the Editor: Use of fluoride raises questions

Dover resident, Jason E. Howard, wrote to Foster’s expressing concern over the city’s fluoridation of the potable water supply. Would that more citizens express concern about what they ingest.

He cites fluoride as a neurotoxin, i.e., a poison. Fluoride is indeed poisonous. However, many therapeutic drugs are not dangerous unless given in excess. The selling of fluoride to national communities happens to be a multi-million dollar business for such companies as Monsanto Chemical (a leading producer of genetically engineered seed). Communities such as Dover are paying thousands of dollars every year for fluoridation of the city’s water supply. Concerned citizens such as Mr. Howard should know that, when approached, a prior City of Dover mayor stated that to stop the practice would require petitioning at least 10 percent of the citizens for a voter referendum to be placed on the ballot. With voter apathy at an all-time high, the likelihood of this happening is slim to none.

No doubt members of the American Dental Association (ADA) will chime-in to parrot their classroom instruction touting the benefits of fluoridated drinking water.

To the ADA, I posit the following:

1. Why have a significant number of countries worldwide outlawed, i.e., banned the addition of fluoride to their drinking water?

2. Why not long ago did our federal government caution all states, counties, cities, and towns to reduce the level of fluoride added to their potable water supply?

3. How is it possible to ensure that individuals, adults, adolescents, and children alike, will consume the same amount of drinking water on a daily basis, or does the amount of fluoride ingested have little significance?

4. Why do New Hampshire cities such as Dover spend approximately $30K annually to fluoridate our drinking water when for every clinical study appearing to show benefit, there is another study reporting equivocal results?

Curious minds want to know.

Randal Heller



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