I've just rejected the offer of a flu jab sent by my local GP surgery. The letter said support the surgery by having a flu jab? I wonder how much money I have deprived them by refusing?
Monday, October 09, 2017
I've just rejected the offer of a flu jab sent by my local GP surgery. The letter said support the surgery by having a flu jab? I wonder how much money I have deprived them by refusing?
I'd like to know why they are pushing the flu jab for seniors so aggressively when it's been all over the press that the flu jab does not work at all in the over 65s, and even Public Health England admits that it is ineffective in this age group.
The flu vaccine contains a cocktail of toxic ingredients, including 51,000 parts per billion of mercury, 25,000 times the safe level. There are much safer ways of preventing the flu than a syringe full of poison that can and does cause the flu.
Carrie, at 10 October, 2017
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