From The Girl Against Fluoride Team
I would like to thank you for your support of The Girl Against Fluoride campaign. I would also like to take this opportunity to fill you in on what’s happened in the interim since we started the campaign in 2012 and to share our plans moving forward.
At the beginning of the campaign, we were naive enough to think that once politicians and councillors were aware of the health implications of fluoride, they'd want it removed from our water. Lesson number one, politicians are bound by party politics and seeing as Fine Fail, Fine Gael and Labour support the water fluoridation policy, no one politician in these parties can affect change. Although Brian Stanley of Sinn Fein did try to pass a bill to end water fluoridation he was largely unsupported and indeed was derided for going against a policy so heavily endorsed by the HSE.
When the political avenue was unsuccessful we attempted to go down the legal route, misguidedly thinking that a court case would reverse the law. This involved working with solicitors and barristers for over three years. We realised in time that working pro bono is not in fact pro bono and that we had in some instances to pay for services rendered.
Fortunately, we met an ethical solicitor in Dublin who, after a few meetings with our barristers, knew that we didn’t stand a chance against the government and the corporations they represented. The court case would cost millions and we would lose because water fluoridation wasn’t a mainstream topic. We were advised at this juncture to continue to spread awareness which we did.
Unfortunately, Anti- Water Charge groups against Irish water didn’t take water fluoridation as a valid reason not to pay for water. This showed us beyond any doubt that water fluoridation was still a marginal issue.
Having spent four years battling the system, we had to lay down our proverbial swords and rethink strategies. Aisling had to complete the Nutritional Therapy exams she’d deferred for years and had to plan starting her own business in Natural Health Care. Having worked on the campaign for so long and having experienced such intense opposition takes its toll emotionally and physically. Every avenue had been explored on the outside and we were no closer to a resolution.
It felt heart breaking as we had invested so much time, energy and money opposing the system. But the campaign provided valuable lessons, one being that we strengthen what we oppose. The more we pushed against an end to water fluoridation, any existing loop holes were legally closed to the extent that fluoride in water is now regarded as a food! You see fluoride as a medicine/cosmetic would require safety testing so its definition was conveniently altered.
Another lesson we learned was that public support is vital. More people need to become aware of the water fluoridation issue and although we had a series of events all over Ireland, no one person or group can reach everyone. We continue to spread awareness online and Aisling has incorporated the importance of clean safe water into her practice as a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Educator. More and more people are now getting on board and are speaking out to their families, friends and to people in their workplace. Aisling has created a free private online community where she shares transformative health tips.
Our state of consciousness creates the world. Change consciousness and together we help dissolve the current belief system. Real change comes from within to the extent that one’s life becomes the message and inspires others to change. If you’re not already a member of the growing online community for change, you are invited here to join
Our aim is to ensure that water fluoridation issue stays topical and becomes mainstream over time. It will take a generational shift to shift awareness so in the meantime we have work to do before this happens. We need to educate the next generation of children (soon to be voters) who will instinctively know that water fluoridation isn't best practice.
Many truth seekers have understood that water fluoridation needs to be stopped as they see through the system. However, there are people who cannot take that quantum leap as it brings into disrepute the medical system in which they trust implicitly. Fluoride is a side effect of giving our power away to the medical system and the government. In the words of Nicolas Gonzalez “Medicine is an unacknowledged religion complete with its own language, costume and places of worship”.
Those who awaken to the reality of the water fluoridation policy find it difficult to understand those who cannot see what they see. We struggled with this ourselves in the beginning and were even ostracised by family members until they had heard it from other sources. Only then did their belief in water fluoridation shatter. We were made to feel like heretics as we challenged the medical system, one of the pillars of people’s belief systems.
Water fluoridation has been a gateway to awakening people to other injustices endemic in our country. It brings into question our alleged democratic governance and shows that our elected representatives don’t represent our wishes. The majority of councils in Ireland voted to end water fluoridation but the law prevents them from taking action.
In June 2017, Aisling spoke to a group in Galway demonstrating how she’s currently incorporating her message into her work which guarantees that more people will be educated on the risks of water fluoridation. As she has learned that fear is the number one impediment to people opening up to the water fluoridation issue, she has written a free eBook on how we can move from fear to trust. If you would like a free copy then please respond and we will send it to you.
The TGAF team also have more creative ideas to spread awareness of water fluoridation in a fun way and novel way- humour and a gentle dose of satire are needed at this point. We’ll keep you posted on what’s happening with this in the coming months.
We trust you have enjoyed your Summer and would love to invite you to belong to a community dedicated to raising awareness and consciousness.
The vision of a fluoride free Ireland is always in our thoughts.
Warm wishes,
The Girl Against Fluoride Team
At the beginning of the campaign, we were naive enough to think that once politicians and councillors were aware of the health implications of fluoride, they'd want it removed from our water. Lesson number one, politicians are bound by party politics and seeing as Fine Fail, Fine Gael and Labour support the water fluoridation policy, no one politician in these parties can affect change. Although Brian Stanley of Sinn Fein did try to pass a bill to end water fluoridation he was largely unsupported and indeed was derided for going against a policy so heavily endorsed by the HSE.
When the political avenue was unsuccessful we attempted to go down the legal route, misguidedly thinking that a court case would reverse the law. This involved working with solicitors and barristers for over three years. We realised in time that working pro bono is not in fact pro bono and that we had in some instances to pay for services rendered.
Fortunately, we met an ethical solicitor in Dublin who, after a few meetings with our barristers, knew that we didn’t stand a chance against the government and the corporations they represented. The court case would cost millions and we would lose because water fluoridation wasn’t a mainstream topic. We were advised at this juncture to continue to spread awareness which we did.
Unfortunately, Anti- Water Charge groups against Irish water didn’t take water fluoridation as a valid reason not to pay for water. This showed us beyond any doubt that water fluoridation was still a marginal issue.
Having spent four years battling the system, we had to lay down our proverbial swords and rethink strategies. Aisling had to complete the Nutritional Therapy exams she’d deferred for years and had to plan starting her own business in Natural Health Care. Having worked on the campaign for so long and having experienced such intense opposition takes its toll emotionally and physically. Every avenue had been explored on the outside and we were no closer to a resolution.
It felt heart breaking as we had invested so much time, energy and money opposing the system. But the campaign provided valuable lessons, one being that we strengthen what we oppose. The more we pushed against an end to water fluoridation, any existing loop holes were legally closed to the extent that fluoride in water is now regarded as a food! You see fluoride as a medicine/cosmetic would require safety testing so its definition was conveniently altered.
Another lesson we learned was that public support is vital. More people need to become aware of the water fluoridation issue and although we had a series of events all over Ireland, no one person or group can reach everyone. We continue to spread awareness online and Aisling has incorporated the importance of clean safe water into her practice as a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Educator. More and more people are now getting on board and are speaking out to their families, friends and to people in their workplace. Aisling has created a free private online community where she shares transformative health tips.
Our state of consciousness creates the world. Change consciousness and together we help dissolve the current belief system. Real change comes from within to the extent that one’s life becomes the message and inspires others to change. If you’re not already a member of the growing online community for change, you are invited here to join
Our aim is to ensure that water fluoridation issue stays topical and becomes mainstream over time. It will take a generational shift to shift awareness so in the meantime we have work to do before this happens. We need to educate the next generation of children (soon to be voters) who will instinctively know that water fluoridation isn't best practice.
Many truth seekers have understood that water fluoridation needs to be stopped as they see through the system. However, there are people who cannot take that quantum leap as it brings into disrepute the medical system in which they trust implicitly. Fluoride is a side effect of giving our power away to the medical system and the government. In the words of Nicolas Gonzalez “Medicine is an unacknowledged religion complete with its own language, costume and places of worship”.
Those who awaken to the reality of the water fluoridation policy find it difficult to understand those who cannot see what they see. We struggled with this ourselves in the beginning and were even ostracised by family members until they had heard it from other sources. Only then did their belief in water fluoridation shatter. We were made to feel like heretics as we challenged the medical system, one of the pillars of people’s belief systems.
Water fluoridation has been a gateway to awakening people to other injustices endemic in our country. It brings into question our alleged democratic governance and shows that our elected representatives don’t represent our wishes. The majority of councils in Ireland voted to end water fluoridation but the law prevents them from taking action.
In June 2017, Aisling spoke to a group in Galway demonstrating how she’s currently incorporating her message into her work which guarantees that more people will be educated on the risks of water fluoridation. As she has learned that fear is the number one impediment to people opening up to the water fluoridation issue, she has written a free eBook on how we can move from fear to trust. If you would like a free copy then please respond and we will send it to you.
The TGAF team also have more creative ideas to spread awareness of water fluoridation in a fun way and novel way- humour and a gentle dose of satire are needed at this point. We’ll keep you posted on what’s happening with this in the coming months.
We trust you have enjoyed your Summer and would love to invite you to belong to a community dedicated to raising awareness and consciousness.
The vision of a fluoride free Ireland is always in our thoughts.
Warm wishes,
The Girl Against Fluoride Team
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