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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, December 31, 2016


From Ellen: Industry's Fluoride Emissions

An often forgotten source of exposure to fluoride comes from the millions of pounds of fluoride that are legally released each year across America from industry. And it is the fate of these industrial releases that we need to be concerned about as these releases pollute our bodies, air, water, soil, and wildlife.

The Toxic Release Inventory (commonly known as TRI) is managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and allows one to find information on specific industrial releases by city, zip code, county, state, and year. (See the Overview for the criteria used by TRI.) Canada has something similar (National Pollutant Release Inventory) and FAN will do a breakdown of the Canadian fluoride releases in the future as it’s relevant for the border areas of both countries.

I have tried to include the wealth of data that the TRI contains on the fluoride compounds they list with the following (available in FAN's Research section):

For those who live near, or downwind, fluoride-emitting industries: a source of exposure for young children is their tendency to put non-food objects into their mouth. Education in areas surrounding these industries should include the message that children’s toys should not be left outside and that those with vegetable gardens, fruit trees or berry bushes, should wash all produce before eating.

It’s important to know that not all industries or sources that release fluoride into the environment are included in the TRI. Those working for healthy communities need to find out, and share, the industrial releases that may be impacting their communities. One can ascertain industrial toxic releases not listed on TRI by searching your state’s databases for air or other discharge permits granted in your area.

Paul Connett, PhD
Member of FAN 2016 Fundraising Team

See all FAN bulletins online


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