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UK Against Fluoridation

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Australia - Fluoride debate not over as councillors lobby State Government

Mackay Regional Councillor Martin Bella will meet with Queensland politicians to further discuss the fluoride issue.
THE fight for fluoridisation of Mackay's water supply is far from over.
Mackay Regional Councillor Martin Bella will meet with Queensland politicians to further discuss the fluoride issue Mackay Region councillors opposed to its removal now plan to meet with Queensland politicians to discuss the issue.
Councillors Martin Bella and Laurence Bonaventura highlighted their intention at the council's infrastructure and services standing committee meeting on Wednesday.
While not providing specific details of their plans, Cr Bella said his lobbying would be to focus on "doing the right thing” for his community.
The council voted to remove fluoride from the region's water supply on September 28, however, several councillors requested an investigation into whether it would be possible for the additive to be reintroduced in Sarina. The report, tabled on Wednesday, confirmed its feasibility - at a cost of about $75,000.
In October the State Government announced it would look at reintroducing a capped infrastructure grants program for smaller councils wanting to introduce fluoride into their drinking water.
Without a change of policy by Mackay Regional Council, however, fluoride cannot be reintroduced anywhere within the Mackay region. Committee chair Cr Karen May was quick to warn all councillors any lobbying could be done only on an individual basis.
"We are not actually going against the wishes of... we didn't think we were going against the wishes of the other councillors,” Cr Bella said.
"I do highlight that we were advised by a number of other councillors that that's the way we should be going.”
He said he and other councillors who opposed the removal of fluoride would be considering a number of different avenues in the future.
"It provides me and others with a great deal of food for thought


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