Tuesday, August 09, 2016 by: S. D. Wells

NaturalNews) In the dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell describes a world we thought we'd never see: perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, and of course, public manipulation through tyrannical "English" socialism. The privileged elite even persecutes independent thinking, calling it "thought-crime." This "Big Brother" party of the government, in the story, pushes propaganda and engages in historical revisionism, so everything people see and hear through media and in history books fits the ruling power's agenda. This authoritarian, Orwellian, fictional world of deception, manipulation, and secret surveillance is exactly what we all know today in the USA as real, not "conspiracy theory" or some pulp fiction novel from 30-some years ago.
No, we know NSA's prism; and we know about Monsanto's poisonous crops laced withnoxious pesticide chemicals; we know that the sodium fluoride in tap water lowers human IQ; we know that the government controls and watches all social media, tracks every phone call and email, and controls the mass media propaganda; and we know that the cameras at intersections and on street corners aren't put there for our "safety." We also know that the cancer epidemic in America is not "inherited." What else do we know for sure?
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