Fluoridation – freedom of choice - OPEN PARACHUTE
I think the “freedom of choice” argument is the most reasonable argument that anti-fluoride campaigners can use. Unfortunately for them, they usually only resort to it after their “science-based” arguments have been exposed as misleading or completely false. And even then, they usually present their “freedom of choice” argument in a naive and hostile way.
Have a look at this discussion from a local anti-fluoride Facebook page.
Here an opponent of community water fluoridation (CWF) has declared she doesn’t want fluoridation – fair enough. She has also declared that she doesn’t drink fluoridated water. Also fair enough.
I would say she has exerted her freedom of choice – she doesn’t drink fluoridated water so must have made other arrangements. And I am all for people exerting that right – even when they refuse to partake of a safe and effective social health policy.....................................
How many people could afford a whole house filtration system. It is easy to add fluoride to your daily intake almost impossible to avoid it.
There are people who genuinely allergic to fluoride what do they do? It is possible to become allergic to water when washing or even going out in the rain. Google it if you don't believe.
Why fight for one aspect of health when overall nutritious food is what is required for whole body health not just teeth.
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