Be Aware: These Daily Products Harm The Thyroid Gland Read more at:
Avoid eating, drinking and warming foods in plastic containers, as it can damage your thyroid gland. Plastic contains some harmful substances that can enter into the foods, which then enters the body. They not only damage the thyroid gland, but also cause many health-related complications including cancer.
Soy contains phytoestrogens that block the secretion of the thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland. Eating soy can decrease the ability of the thyroid gland to take up iodine, which is important for the production of thyroid hormones.
Found In Fruits And Vegetables Always wash fruits and vegetables well, as they may be laden with chemical pesticides. These pesticides can damage the thyroid gland and cause many health issues including brain damage.
Fluoride Present In Water
Water contains fluoride; and if it is present in large quantities, it can damage the thyroid gland. Apart from that, chlorine present in water and in some food substances can also destroy the thyroid gland. Perchlorates
From Fuel The process of burning fuel produces perchlorates that can enter our body when we inhale smoke of engines. This chemical can also be found in food and water. It can damage the thyroid gland when inhaled and cause many other health-related issues.
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