'Alarm' as patients shun flu jab
A 6% decrease in the number of people recieving this years flu jab is causing alarm amongst doctors in the UK.
Doctors are complaining of fridges full of unused vaccines as people are being put off by the failure of last years useless vaccine.
It's heartening to see that so many people are finally waking up to the biggest public health scam of all time - the dangerous and ineffective flu vaccine that actually causes the flu. Everyone I know who has had the flu jab gets the flu. I'm just waiting for the hundredth monkey to wake up because Big Pharma is hell bent on making this useless vaccine mandatory for all as voluntary take up rates fall. This, of course, would be a gross violation of medical ethics and the Nuremberg Code and illegal medical assault to force this medical experiment on anyone without their consent and with no legal right to sue the pharmaceutical companies for adverse effects since they have absolute immunity from prosecution.
Everyone I know who has had the flu jab gets the flu. I wouldn't touch any vaccine with the proverbial barge pole, however much I am targeted by the scare mongering tactics of the medical mafia with their relentless letters and phone calls. Listen to what Dr Mark Geier, who worked on developing vaccines, has to say about the flu vaccine:
Carrie, at 13 November, 2015
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