Unbelievable scam of cancer industry blown wide open: $100 billion a year spent on toxic chemotherapy for many FAKE diagnoses
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$100 billion a year generated by the cancer industry to treat many patients who never had "real" cancer in the first place
Oncologists and the breast cancer industry prey on systematic over-diagnosis of cancer in order to scare patients into unnecessary treatments. These treatments are helping generate $100 billion a year in chemotherapy revenues, often for so-called "cancers" that shouldn't even count as cancer in the first place.
"Physicians, patients and the general public must recognize that overdiagnosis is common and occurs more frequently with cancer screening," warns the NCI-commissioned science article in JAMA.
A 2002 editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine maintained that the efficacy of mammograms for younger women is an open question. "The debate is worth following closely," concluded the editor of the journal, "because women are deciding about breast cancer screening, and it's our role to keep them informed as best we can." Yet it is worth remembering that "mammography screening may lead to an overdiagnosis of breast cancer, that is, the detection of a tumor that would not have become clinically detectable in the patient's lifetime." - from the book "What If Medicine Disappeared" by Gerald E Markle.
I have followed all of Ty Bollinger's superb Quest For the Cures documentaries to date, so am looking forward to even greater enlightenment in the Global Quest series. I am in no doubt that the highly invasive conventional treatments for cancer are nothing more than a money making scam that inflicts great harm with a devastating effect on the quality of life for those who survive it. The truth is that the causes of cures for cancer have been known for over a hundred years, and effective new holistic therapies have been discovered, but are persecuted relentlessly by the medical mafia to keep them from public knowledge and maintain the profit making machine.
For this reason, the elusive cure will never be found in conventional medicine, which will continue to profit from its fear mongering tactics to seduce the masses into submitting to useless screening procedures and barbaric treatments, until the hundredth monkey effect finally takes effect and spreads the truth.
The Truth About Cancer is an excellent website, and by far the most informative and enlightening website on holistic cures for cancer is cancertutor.com. Another very good website is healingcancernaturally.com
Carrie, at 09 October, 2015
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