This question comes up all the time. Memes circle around which claim that fluoride is the active compound in rat poison, Prozac and what is in our water. To put it very simply, these are not all the same types of fluoride. There are many kinds of fluoride because the element fluorine creates a compound with just about any other element it binds to, resulting in all new things. For example, the most common type used to fluoridate our public water is fluorosilicic acid, a by-product of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. So, once and for all: does Prozac contain fluoride? The simple answer is yes. Prozac not only contains fluoride, Prozac is fluoride............................Is Prozac dangerous to your health? That’s a hard question. Many people claim it has helped them, and many others claim it did nothing, or worse, made their problems more severe. As with all drugs, it’s efficacy depends largely on the person who is taking it. The list of common side effects is long and unpleasant: nausea, upset stomach, constipation, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, drowsiness, dizziness, nervousness, heart palpitations, loss of appetite or increase in appetite, weight changes, cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat), dry mouth, decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm. A complete list of side effects is very long and somewhat troubling, considering how common a Prozac prescription is. Despite the growing wealth of information that suggests antidepressants don’t work, Prozac is still one of the most-prescribed drugs in America today – and some defend it ferociously.
It seems especially ironic that people who claim fluoride is being used to make the population docile and apathetic are shouted down or laughed at as conspiracy theorists, and yet this is exactly what Prozac – a fluoride – often does. Typing “Prozac makes me” into a search bar will turn up “Prozac makes me not care” as a top suggested search and browsing through forums about medications and mental illness, you can see this numbness of emotions is a very, very common result of taking Prozac. Some other suggestions that popped up are “Prozac makes me lazy,” “Prozac makes me apathetic,” “Prozac makes me tired” and “Prozac makes me a zombie.”.................
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