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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why are we fat? A question that gurus around the world line up for, hands extended to sell you the answer. Yet despite having more Doctors, scientists, trainers, books, coaches and gurus than ever before in history we are fatter than ever.
I no longer buy into any of the mumbo jumbo they told me. My metabolic syndrome, my diabetes, my thyroid, my genetics and family history. All nice excuses that all turned into dead ends after decades of obesity and suffering.
You know what the cure for obesity is? For most sickness? For Depression? Eating foods like our ancestors, fresh air, movement and exercise.
No NO CLICK AWAY THIS IS NONSENSE!! Give me a pill, or magical diet that will fix my woes.
My lord I thought it was impossible. I could barely walk up stairs without huffing. I was 48 years old - not a candidate for pursuing optimal health!! But IT WORKS! Your body is the most amazingly resilient mechanism. Give it what it needs and it can bounce back at any age.

Nothing to do with fluoride just refreshing advice.


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