Further letters from our friend Steven and my reply.
Your statement my personal opinion is unqualified and irrelevant only confirms my opinion that those pressing for fluoridation are all of the same arrogant nature.
I've seen so many letters world wide from you I can't believe you are the dentist you purport to be.
Why don't you start your own blog in opposition to mine and many others rather than writing to someone in your opinion is unqualified to have one.
Steve Slott has left a new comment on your post "More correspondence":
1. Bill, you fail to understand the concept of concentration level. The contaminants in drinking water at the tap cannot exceed EPA mandated maximum allowable concentration levels under Standard 60 of the National Sanitary Foundation....no matter how many "thousand of tonnes" are put into the water each year. Fluoridated water easily meets all of these quality certification requirements.
2. Water fluoridation prevents dental decay in entire populations, not simply "for a few families",
3. Your personal opinion as to the best manner of preventing dental decay is unqualified and irrelevant.
4. The narrow vision of antifluoridationists constantly leads them to believe that advocation for water fluoridation is done in place of educating on, and advocating for, all other means of dental decay prevention. Yes, obviously, too much sugar is detrimental to oral and overall health. The fact that you realize this is clear evidence that the massive efforts to educate the public on the dangers of excessive sugar consumption have had a positive impact. However, advocating for one preventive measure does not preclude advocating for, and educating on, all other viable means. Getting sugar consumption under control is not going to happen in the short term. In the meantime, we can't simply stick our heads in the sand and disregard the devastation caused by untreated dental decay.
5. Fluoridation simply raises the level of existing fluoride ions in water, by a minuscule level to the point where maximum benefit will occur with no adverse effects. The fluoride ions added are identical to those which humans have always consumed in water. Fluoridation simply ensures that we receive maximum benefit while so doing, with no adverse effects.
You are certainly welcome to your personal opinion as to the prudence of adding these fluoride ions. However, it is in direct contradiction with the overwhelming consensus of the worldwide body of science and healthcare.
6. You may certainly believe in whomever you choose. However in choosing to believe the relatively small handful of respected scientists, worldwide, who oppose fluoridation, you are choosing to disregard the opinions of over 150 of the most highly respected healthcare and healthcare-related organizations in the world, as well as that of those such as the past 5 US Surgeons General, the Deans of the Harvard schools of Medicine, Dentistry, and Public Health, and the Chair of the 2006 NRC Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
1. How you deem you would be "looked upon" if you illegally placed contaminants into a public water system, is obviously meaningless, and irrelevant to water fluoridation.
2. Your personal diagnosis of "fluorosis" in your grandchildren is unqualified and meaningless. If your grandchildren have been diagnosed to have dental fluorosis, by a qualified, licensed dental professional, any such fluorosis which required "cosmetic surgery" would be at the level of moderate/severe, which does not occur attributable to optimally fluoridated water. This level of dental fluorosis occurs attributable to improper ingestion of toothpaste, or exposure to high levels of environment or well-water fluoride during the teeth developing years of 0-8.
Your hypocrisy is clearly evident by your expression of "concern" with barely detectable mild dental fluorosis while callously disregarding the lifetimes of extreme pain, debilitation, black discoloration and loss of teeth, development of serious medical conditions, anf life-threatening infections, directly resultant of untreated dental decay which can be, and is prevented by water fluoridation.
3. There is no valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that mild dental fluorosis is "an outward indication of deeper damage within the skeleton and other body organs." If you care to belabor this point then provide such evidence, properly cited.
4. That which is apalling is the callous disregard for truth, honesty, and accuracy by antifluoridationists who believe they can put forth any unsubstantiated claims they please and then demand that they be disproven. Science does not work that way. If you have valid, peer-reviewed scientific evidence of any adverse effects of optimally fluoridated water, then produce it, properly cited.
5. Countless peer-reviewed scientific studies clearly contradict your personal opinion that "it ain't helping little kiddies' teeth". I will be glad to cite as many as you would reasonably care to read.
Steven D. Slott, DDS
Stephen, I am so grateful to have your professional opinion that mine is worthless. Taking a googling leaf out of Bill's book I find that your own dental proficiencies are also below average. Seems we may bat in the same league?
However, as I need to do another good deed today I thought I could do no better than point you towards the website of pro-fluoridation activist Dr. Stephen Barrett, "Quack-Watch". http://www.quackwatch.org/03HealthPromotion/fluoride.html . Mr Barrett has been prolific in his support of fluoridation and I thought you might appreciate picking up a trick or two from him. I think you'll find his standards of "truth, honesty and accuracy" are at least as strong as yours. You might consider forging an alliance?
But I must caution you that you must NOT confuse his website with http://quackpotwatch.org/index.html where you may find the debunking of Mr Barrett to be uncomfortably forceful.
Have a nice day. :-)
Cllr Chris, at 20 June, 2015
Steven, I find your claims absurd that fluoridation is supported by the "overwhelming consensus of the worldwide body of science and healthcare", and that there are no adverse health effects.
In order for any credible scientific evidence to exist on the safety of water fluoridation, there are three important prerequisites:
1.The fluorosilicate chemicals must first undergo toxicological testing proving them safe for human consumption.
No such testing has ever been done.
2.There must be a full consensus of scientific opinion that fluoridation is safe.
There are now over 40 scientific studies linking fluoride to lowered IQ at low doses, senior Harvard researchers have classified fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin, a recent UK study has found a credible link with hypothyroidism, and the newly published Cochrane report finds compelling evidence of a link to ADHD. In March 2014, the WHO listed fluoride as one of the chemicals that may be harmful to health.
3. In accordance with World Health Organisation guidelines, the health of all individuals in a fluoridated community should be carefully monitored. This has never been done.
Then, of course, even when the Precautionary Principle has been applied, medical ethics must also be observed by obtaining the consent of every individual in the community. No doctor would ever prescribe medication without a patient's consent, so you, as a dentist, should be ashamed of yourself for your fanatical support for mass medication.
Carrie, at 20 June, 2015
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