Fluoride Free NZ
Read the entire transcript.
His comments are completely out of line with a recent WHO publication, Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 which, happens to be peer reviewed by the Otago Dental School’s very ownMurray Thomson.
In their publication they state,
“Although exposure to fluoride reduces dental caries at a given age, and delays the onset of the cavitation process, it does not completely prevent dental caries, and dental caries still progresses in populations exposed to fluoride”
Wellington Dentist Dr Stan Litras identified the small amount of difference that fluoridation makes to reducing tooth decay in his press release: WHO: Sugar causes tooth decay, fluoridation no use
Clearly Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne is denying the fact that sugar is having a huge impact on the level of tooth decay in New Zealand. This comes on the back of the Minister of Health exempting fluoride chemicals from the medicines act on 27 January 2015.
You didn't mention which planet this guy is from,perhaps he thinks the WHO are a rock band...
rcannard, at 23 March, 2015
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