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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

East Yorkshire Against Fluoride
01964 611362 07763833675 paddyholdsworth@yahoo.co.uk

Wed 11th Feb

Hundreds of local Residents call on Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council to drop plans to add toxic fluoride to our water supply.

Online petitions have been launched to each of the Councils.


Hundreds of residents have already signed.

The residents opposed to fluoridation point out that the majority of developed countries do not fluoridate their water supply. Even in the few countries that do fluoridate residents are launching successful campaigns to have it removed. www.fluoridealert.org/content/communities

Patrick Holdsworth, a local resident opposed to fluoridation said,

Why should I be forced to drink a dangerous chemical? Fluoridation is forced medication with no concern for the dose administered or the level of sensitivity to fluoride toxicity of the individuals drinking the water. For example, bottle fed babies would consume 300 times the dose of fluoride as breast fed babies.”

The petition to the EYRC states,
The supposed benefit of fluoride only comes from contact with the teeth not from being swallowed. People who want the dubious benefits of fluoride can buy fluoride toothpaste.
The conditions that make people more vulnerable to fluoride toxicity are more prevalent in poor communities than affluent ones (e.g., nutrient deficiencies, infant formula consumption, kidney disease, and diabetes).”
A comment from a Hull man on the petition website reads,
The people who are proposing the addition of fluoride should be available for a meeting with us who oppose it. I have personally called Councillor Ingles twice and tried to ask him some questions, very calmly, but he put the phone down on me on both occasions. I asked him if he was willing to sit down with us and look at our evidence for the case against it. He said he wouldn't, so I reminded him he was a public servant etc, but he wasn’t interested and put the phone down on me again.”
Campaigners point out that drinking even low levels of fluoride is dangerous. Recent studies implicate fluoride in a number of ailments including the hardening of arteries and therefore heart disease, the lowering of IQ, an increase in tumours and cancers, and a number of other serious complaints.
Information and references


Patrick Holdsworth
East Yorkshire Against Fluoride
01964 611362

For scientific comment on fluoridation

Joy Warren, BSc. (Hons) Env. Sci; Cert. Nutrition & Health
Co-ordinator, West Midlands Against Fluoridation and For Pure Clean Water
Tel: 02476 467562


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