Chocolate Toothpaste is Better for Your Teeth Than Fluoride. Here is How to Make it!
The researchers did a side-by-side comparison and found that when people applied cocoa powder to the enamel surface of their teeth that they had “100 % dental occlusion”, with their teeth becoming remineralized or repaired. I a press release from the researchers, the researchers explained: “The comparison to toothpastes containing fluoride – one as much as 5,000 ppm [parts per million] – validates what our research has shown all along: that Rennou [the cocoa extract] … is more effective and safer than fluoride, which can be toxic if ingested.”
Chocolate Toothpaste is Better for Your Teeth Than Fluoride. Here is How to Make it!
-2 tablespoons baking soda
-4 tablespoons coconut oil
-6 drops clove essential oil (where to find)
-2 teaspoons organic cacoa powder
Combine all ingredients and mix until you have the consistency you want. Scoop the paste onto brush. Store the paste in a container with a lid as baking soda can absorb smells. You can also make it squeezable by putting it into a empty toothpaste tube.
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