Link Found Between Fluoridated Water and ADHD
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Studies show that children who live in areas with high levels of fluoridation in their water supply have significantly lower IQ’s than those who live in low fluoride neighborhoods. A report from the U.S, National Research Council concluded in 2006 that fluoride can cause neurotoxicity in tests done on animal subjects, this included problems with learning and memory.
It’s not as if these studies are telling us anything new. There have been more than 27 studies published over the past 22 years that show there is a definite link high fluoride levels and low intelligence scores. There are numerous scientific studies that show a direct toxic effect of fluoride on the human body as well. It’s surprising that this is not considered a scientific fact by now. Despite all this evidence showing the toxicity of fluoride, more than 70 percent of municipal water supplies have fluoride added to them.
Just a few of the known effect fluoride has on the human body and brain include:
- Damage to the hippocampus
- Formation of beta-amyloid plaque ( the kind of plaque that causes Alzheimer’s)
- Lesions made worse by the lack of iodine
- Reduced antioxidant defense systems
- Increase in the absorption of aluminum
- Accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland
- Increase in the absorption of lead
- Lethargy
- Hyperactivity
- Problems with the muscles
- Thyroid disease
- Arthritis
- Bone cancer
- Genetic damage
- Cell death
One of the main problems with fluoride is that it’s an accumulative toxin. That means your body stores more and more of it as time goes on, it doesn’t simply pass through the body via urine. So, over time, this can lead to serious health problems that aren’t always tied to an over exposure to fluoride. Read 8 ways to detox your body.
According to the two main studies mentioned above, chemical related disorders of the brain more than doubled over the seven years. This is due to the increasing number of chemicals that have yet to be tested being approved for use. The public is never told where or in what quantities these chemicals are being used.
Fluoride must be removed from municipal water supplies, immediately, if for no other reason than our children’s health and safety.
Although pesticides are also extremely pervasive and damaging to the public health, many are at least aware of this danger (Find out dirty produce items you should avoid) . The public at large, generally speaking, is unaware that there is fluoride added to their water supply and the dangers that it poses. For some unknown reason, the problem is largely ignored by public health authorities, even though the scientific evidence is quite clear.
In the same way lead, and other industrial chemicals and solvents, fluoride accumulates in the bloodstream where it eventually deposits itself into various body tissues and the bones. Pregnant women can pass fluoride to their unborn children through the placenta, where it then accumulates in the brains and bones of the developing fetus. These are perpetually damaging effects that everyone, especially those in authority, need to take more seriously. Read more about toxins that are in your home.
As far back as 1943, the Journal of American Medicine stated that fluorides are general poisons that through certain enzymes actually change the permeability of the membrane of the cell. Another study in 1944 by the American Dental Association stated that drinking water with a miniscule amount of 1.2 parts per million will, not perhaps, but will cause developmental disturbances. The potential for bodily harm far outweighs the potential for good.
This is a nationwide problem. We have the ability to test for industrial chemicals and we should have much more strict standards for the use of “common” chemicals.
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