Read about tooth decay data in New Zealand
Regarding water fluoridation, read, "Why I Changed My Mind about Fluoridation," by John Colquhoun, DDS, Ph.D., the chief dental officer of Auckland, New Zealand. Colquhoun was a strong fluoridation supporter, but spent years studying the tooth decay statistics of New Zealand children. He was forced to conclude that fluoridation had no effect on tooth decay. You can find the article at
In his book "The Fluoride Deception," Christopher Bryson explains why we’re still told that fluoridation is “among the top public health achievements of the 20th century." I don’t believe that statement is true, but you can decide after you read Bryson.
Another excellent book is "Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma," by George Waldbott, MD, available here as a free online download:
To filter fluoride out, a reverse-osmosis filter, or a distiller, is required. These filters are expensive and waste water. Distillers can only process small amounts. People who want fluoride, however, can get it in toothpaste cheaply and easily.
- Marlene Lily, Santa Rosa, Calif.
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