On behalf of The Girl Against Fluoride team
On behalf of The Girl Against Fluoride team, we would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2014. 2013 catapulted the campaign into mainstream consciousness with articles in both regional and national newspapers, radio interviews, the ongoing exposure of the fluoride scandal by Hot Press magazine and Hot Press journalist Adrienne Murphy's guest appearance on RTE's Today Show. Prime Time also conducted an investigation into the fluoride issue, with Emmet Stagg, chief whip for the Labour Party, speaking out against the policy of mandatory water fluoridation. Sinn Fein Deputy, Brian Stanley, proposed a bill to ban fluoridation which unfortunately was defeated by all three main political parties. Politically we have reached an end game. Our only way forward now is to take the High Court case to reverse the policy of mandatory water fluoridation.
This year we hope to continue to run the public awareness campaign while fundraising for the court case. The 2014 Naked Calendar has helped raise 9,000 euro which is almost 1/3 of the way to reaching our target fund of 30,000 euro. For those of you who have yet to order a calendar please do so at: http://www.thegirlagainstfluoride.com/calendar.html .The calendar not only helps us raise the required funds, but also helps spread information about the harmful effects of fluoride.
Please also check out our promo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbR2mQ4uqXM.
2014 marks the 50th anniversary of mandatory water fluoridation in Ireland. Gladys Ryan who took the first court case in 1963, was unsuccessful because of the fraudulent evidence provided by Harold Hodge. Justice Kenny was swayed by Hodge's testimony and ruled against Gladys Ryan, stating that it was his belief that water fluoridation was a safe practice and did not breach her right to bodily integrity.
This month the legal team are initiating court proceedings. Your continued support and donations will enable us pay for the most knowledgeable expert witnesses who will help ensure its success.
Once again, we would like thank you for your continued support and words of encouragement.
Best wishes,
Aisling and the Team
The Girl Against Fluoride
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