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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Critter Corner: Smooching poodle needs to get his teeth brushed

By Terri Wong 

DEAR MISS BEHAVIN': My poodle puppy, Jimmy, loves to kiss visitors. However, he has dog breath. We have scheduled a veterinarian visit. But I know Jimmy needs regular brushing. Any tips on making teeth-cleaning fun for Jimmy?
A: Trying to brush an unhealthy mouth is a nightmare. It's good that you already scheduled a vet visit. Hopefully, the vet will confirm that Jimmy's mouth is healthy and will offer details on brushing instructions if Jimmy has any specific requirements. Dental hygiene improves Jimmy's well-being by reducing bacteria from entering the stomach and bloodstream, plus it eliminates "dog breath." Here are tips for a brushing routine.
• Use a pet-formulated toothpaste with palatable flavors like chicken. Never use human toothpaste, as this holds high levels of fluoride that can cause severe stomach aches.


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