Fluoridation without representation
Fluoridation without representation
James Robert Deal, Lynnwood attorney
In 1991 Everett started adding fluorosilicic acid to its water without consulting with or obtaining the consent of the many other “captive” water districts throughout Snohomish County, those which have no choice but to buy water from Everett, including Mukilteo and Edmonds.
Fluorosilicic acid is a mixture of many compounds and elements. It is the unfiltered scrubber liquor from the wet scrubbers in the smokestacks of phosphate fertilizer plants in Florida, China and Mexico.
It contains or breaks down fluoride ion, hydrogen fluoride, orthosilicic acid, lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, chromium, copper, thallium, selenium, and barium. Thallium is radioactive and emits beta radiation.
Fluorosilicic acid breaks down into orthosilicic acid, which leaches large amounts of lead from pipes.
Centers for Disease Control admits that 41 percent of children have some level of dental fluorosis, which 12.2 percent of children have fluorosis serious enough to be noticeable, embarrassing and ugly.
Dental flurosis, which can appear as white spots, white streaks, cloudy splotches – and in severe cases – brown stains and pitting, is the permanent damage to the enamel caused by too much fluoride intake during the first eight years of life.
Fluorosilicic acid is an enzyme interrupter. Fetuses and infants are most vulnerable because their cells are still dividing. A recent Harvard study concludes that “children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low fluoride areas.”
Fluoridation causes or worsens arthritis, bone fractures, thyroid disease, kidney disease, heart disease and cancer. The effect is cumulative because the body has trouble excreting fluoride.
Fluoride also combines with aluminum – which is added to Everett water to precipitate dirt – and thus transports aluminum across the blood-brain barrier, where it may cause or worsen Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Fluoridation does little or nothing to reduce tooth decay. The CDC admits that the effects of fluoridation “primarily are topical for both adults and children” and not via consumption of fluoride.
Tooth decay has dropped just as much in non-fluoridated Europe as it has here. The big difference in Europe is that there is little dental fluorosis.
Safe water groups are asking Mukilteo and Edmonds the other “captive” water districts to demand that Everett deliver non-fluoridated water to those districts. Everett has four large pipelines coming down from Sultan, and one or two could be dedicated to carrying safe water.
For links to documents proving assertions made herein, see: http://fluoride-class-action.com/mukilteo-edmonds.
Fluoride Class Action is contesting the lead, arsenic, hydrogen fluoride, silicic acid and fluorosilicic acid added to drinking water.
It is our goal to put water districts, state and federal agencies, and suppliers of fluoridation materials on notice that they are exposed to serious liability for fluoridating drinking water.
It is our goal is to force water districts to report these notices of potential liability to their insurance carriers. Insurance companies are not in the business of defending unreasonable and known risks. They will begin to limit and terminate coverage. This may break the logjam and put an end to the foolish practice of water fluoridation.
It is our goal is to create templates that local de-fluoridation groups can use with their own water districts. These will be templates for notices of liability, freedom of information FOIA requests, interrogatories, and lawsuit documents.
It is our goal to inspire class action and consumer protection attorneys to utilize the templates on this web site to prepare notices, freedom of information requests, and actual lawsuit documents for use against local water districts.
If you want to prevent your water district from fluoridating or if your water district has already fluoridated, follow the steps outlined at www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com.
Flouride Class Action plans to appear before the Mukilteo and Edmonds city councils soon with hopes that the community will help us move the captive water districts to pressure Everett to quit adding industrial additives to our water. A little bit of poison is not OK.
James Robert Deal is an attorney based in Lynnwood and president of Fluoride Class Action. For more information, go to www.Fluoride-Class-Action.com.
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