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UK Against Fluoridation

Monday, January 23, 2012

USA - Question fluoride safety

Question fluoride safety
To the editor:
I have recently read two Open Forum letters stating that fluoride in our water system was important and the amount of fluoride in our drinking water was safe. Why is fluoride in our drinking system in the first place? The pat answer is, of course, to prevent tooth decay. This answer has been debunked for years. Just to name one source, "The Fluoride Deception" by Christopher Bryson will convince you otherwise. In his book, Mr. Bryson states: "In a society where asbestos, lead, silica, beryllium and many other carcinogens have found their way into the marketplace and then been recalled, one has to wonder why fluoride, so toxic it is used as a rat poison and pesticide, is embraced so thoroughly and so blindly." Because of limited space, I would add more sources but they would fill a phonebook.
The real reason for fluoride is, you guessed it, profit.
The government adds fluoride to drinking water supplies insisting that it is safe, beneficial and necessary. However, scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not safe to ingest and areas that fluoridate their drinking water supplies have higher rates of cavities, cancer, dental fluorosis, osteoporosis and other health problems. Because fluoride is a toxic waste from the aluminum industry, pharmaceutical companies and weapons manufacturers, it was expensive to dispose of properly. Solution: Add it to the water supply.

Fluoride continues to be added to water supplies all over North America. There is a growing resistance against adding toxic fluoride to our water supplies, but unfortunately, because fluoride has become "the lifeblood of the modern industrial economy. There is too much money at stake for those who endorse water fluoridation. The lies of the benefits of water fluoridation will continue to be fed to the public, not to encourage health benefits to a large number of people, but to profit the military-industrial complex.

The FDA, the guardians of our health who have given us such safety information as GMO's, aspartame and thimerosal as being safe for our health, do you really trust their judgment on fluoride?

Larry Wallace


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