UK - Daily Echo - Scrap fluoride plans

SINCE writing about not getting an answer to my fluoride questions from Professor John Newton I finally received a reply after my letter was published in the Daily Echo - did that prompt him?
One of my questions was "How will you be able to control how much people drink without getting overdosed?" He answered "When fluoride is added to the water supply it is done so under carefully controlled conditions. Safety is a primary concern and the Government's Code of Practice on Technical Aspects of Fluoridation of Water Supplies 1987 sets out strict criteria for water fluoridation."
Has Mr Newton not heard that not long ago Australia had a big problem with fluoride overdosing and it affected many people? They used modern equipment and it still went wrong.
We don't want so-called sophisticated equipment as we don't want any risk of anything going wrong and we simply don't want fluoride anyway.
We don't want these added risks, we want them to leave our drinking water alone. We have natural fluoride in our water so leave this rubbish out. It is not good for children's teeth and it will cause many more problems to our health.
The idea should be scrapped now.
MRS KINCHINGTON, address supplied.
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