UK - Daily Echo - Indications fluoride is a done deal

I TOTALLY concur with Mrs Kinchington's recent letter regarding The Great Fluoride Debate, except, of course, it is not a debate in so far as one side is speaking but the other is not listening and has, I believe, no intention whatsoever of doing so. In previous letters to the Echo I expressed the view that fluoride in our water is a done deal between government and industry, which cannot readily dispose of its waste. I believe the majority of the public have seen through the supposed beneficial effects of this obnoxious product on children's teeth and the SHA have, with unbelievable arrogance, decided they will proceed to contaminate our water supply despite overwhelming opposition. I thought there was a glimmer of hope when the local council decided against fluoridation and the SHA was to be abolished in 2012. How strange then that the Government decided to extend its life by a year and thus reuiforce my view that the scheme is Government backed. Like many, many people I speak to about this issue I am extremely worried, annoyed and angry that in This England we are to be denied a most basic right, unpolluted water.
If you think we are living in a democracy think again and when someone enquires: "Shall I put the kettle on?" - a normally lovely thing to hear, like me you'll be thinking twice!
PS: Am I right in thinking a similar scheme in the North West was abandoned quite recently so why not here? M DARNELL, Southampton
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