Who do you believe this polished propaganda or the previous video from Prof Connett?
In 2010, the Florida Dental Association was awarded a Public Affairs Grant from the American Dental Association to develop a statewide fluoridation advocacy campaign. To produce materials for the campaign the FDA contracted with a Tallahassee based advertising and public relations firm. One of the first priorities was the production of a DVD promoting the benefits of fluoridation. This video is intended for municipal and county officials and water and utilities department managers to promote the fluoridation of community water supplies. It offsets some of the negative information being presented around the country by anti-fluoridation activist organizations.
Man! What propaganda! People have wised up to this. If you think a community can save $38 for each $1 invested in this toxic poison, please read below.
Isn't it strange, doctors cannot force one person to take a drug, yet the government wants to force everyone to be drugged with fluoride, a prescription drug, against their will and with no medical supervision, no control over how much you consume and no treatment for side effects.
Fluoridation not only causes cancer, brittle bones, etc., (see www.fluoridealert.org) but is an absolute waste of tax money. People only drink 1/2% of the water they use.
For example, for every $1000 of fluoride chemical added to water, $995 would be directly wasted down the drain in toilets, showers, dishwashers, etc., $5 would be consumed in water by the people, and less than $0.50 would be consumed by children. Can you think of a more wasteful government program?
Distributing a drug (or fluoride poison) in drinking water is absolutly the most wasteful method. A plan to give away fluoride tablets free to whoever wants them would be much, much cheaper. Then the rest of us would not be drugged against our will and the environment would be protected.
jwillie6, at 14 July, 2010
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