UK - Echo letter
Fluoridation concern
KATE Bellenberg (Letters, January 25) asserts that John Denham's position is: because the public don't back it (fluoridation), it should not go ahead. That's not quite right. Mr Denham said he would try to get fluoridation put on hold until the people of Southampton could be persuaded, by means of another consultation, to support fluoridation. That means he would spend shed-loads more of taxpayers' money until we are browbeaten into submission.
I agree that there are many other important issues to consider before casting a vote, but the preservation of certain freedoms and basic democratic rights should trump all other issues. There are individual local politicians from all parties who have spoken out against forced medication and have shown commitment to these precious human rights. The only party that is wholly against fluoridation is the Green Party.
SUE ROBSON, Southampton.
KATE Bellenberg (Letters, January 25) asserts that John Denham's position is: because the public don't back it (fluoridation), it should not go ahead. That's not quite right. Mr Denham said he would try to get fluoridation put on hold until the people of Southampton could be persuaded, by means of another consultation, to support fluoridation. That means he would spend shed-loads more of taxpayers' money until we are browbeaten into submission.
I agree that there are many other important issues to consider before casting a vote, but the preservation of certain freedoms and basic democratic rights should trump all other issues. There are individual local politicians from all parties who have spoken out against forced medication and have shown commitment to these precious human rights. The only party that is wholly against fluoridation is the Green Party.
SUE ROBSON, Southampton.
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