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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, January 09, 2010

UK - Greens launch ‘No F in Southampton’ campaign

Greens launch ‘No F in Southampton’ campaign
SW Hampshire Green Party announced that it is launching a ‘No F in Southampton’ campaign to tie in with the various elections in 2010. Not only will this support the campaign of Hampshire Against Fluoridation, but this campaign will focus on the political aspects.
John Spottiswoode, Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Southampton Itchen said: “As the decision to fluoridate our drinking water in Southampton was a political decision made by the government in Westminster, which the Strategic health Authority felt obliged to follow, therefore it needs a political solution. We need to get rid of all those F politicians who voted for fluoridation. We need people to vote ONLY for candidates who will commit themselves to stopping water fluoridation in Southampton.”
The Green Party will seek to replace those politicians who voted for fluoridation in the Southampton area both at the General Election and at Council elections in May. John Spottiswoode continued “It is completely morally unacceptable for elected people to try to force everyone in Southampton to drink fluoridated water, especially when 72% rejected the proposal in the Public Consultation. This is forced medication of a whole population for trivial reasons. What will they vote to put in our water next? Do our current politicians not realise the damage putting a toxin in water does not only to people but to the whole local environment?”
“The Green Party has set up a new web site for the ‘No F in Southampton’ campaign, http://www.nofinsouthampton.co.uk/ which has Twitter and RSS feeds so people can be kept continuously up to date with the campaign. We need politicians to realise that they cannot cut across people’s rights to have unadulterated drinking water without losing their seats. Politicians must not be allowed to get away with this sort of behaviour which is not only immoral but against the wishes of the vast majority of people in Southampton.”


See web site http://www.nofinsouthampton.co.uk/ for more details.


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