USA - Importance of Access to Oral Health Care
Kentucky Legislators and Medicaid Officials Convened at Kool Smiles'
Bashford Office To Discuss Importance of Access to Oral Health Care
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Kool Smiles, a leading general dentistry provider for kids and parents, opened the doors to its newest location in the Bashford area of Louisville, KY.
'With the oral health crisis continuing to be one of the largest challenges our state's [Kentucky]children have to face, we're excited to have Kool Smiles open additional access to high quality oral healthcare specifically to the children and adults who need it most,' said Senator Julie Denton, Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee."..........................
95% of Kentucky residents live in fluoridated areas and fluoride supplements are given to children who don't:NYSCOF
Bashford Office To Discuss Importance of Access to Oral Health Care
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Aug. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Kool Smiles, a leading general dentistry provider for kids and parents, opened the doors to its newest location in the Bashford area of Louisville, KY.
'With the oral health crisis continuing to be one of the largest challenges our state's [Kentucky]children have to face, we're excited to have Kool Smiles open additional access to high quality oral healthcare specifically to the children and adults who need it most,' said Senator Julie Denton, Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee."..........................
95% of Kentucky residents live in fluoridated areas and fluoride supplements are given to children who don't:NYSCOF
Us Australians (down under) have had Fluoride in the water for quite.
After 45 years Tasmainia, the state, has embarising dental health. Fluoride has done nothing.
Read the article at:
Unknown, at 27 August, 2009
I think it very important that the public look into party funding and its source,when flouride in drinking water raises it's head and becomes a party decision without public consent.
It is not proven that flouride in water has any real benefit on tooth decay. Any honest Doctor or Dentist will point out that teeth can be treated in the localised area without any man women or child drinking in undefined levels of toxins that invade the entire body and organs. And is prescribed without control on intake, force fed without consent or personal choice involved.
Any MP who believes he is serving the public interest by ignoring the individuals freedom of choise under the law, has no right to hold the post.
MP's are paid to serve the public interest "Not Dictate it ".
Regards Beth.
Anonymous, at 08 February, 2010
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