UK - Carbon cost of MPs' Hildon mineral water

THE DECISION to continue serving Hampshire mineral water at Westminster has created a 12-tonne carbon footprint, it has been revealed.
A report commissioned following criticism over the use of bottled water to refresh MPs has revealed the environmental impact of deliveries from the county to the corridors of power.
As reported by the Daily Echo last year, the use of Hildon water, bottled in Broughton, was condemned by green campaigners who said a more environmentally -friendly alternative should be found.
The report, from environmental consultancy Best Foot Forward, was commissioned after protests from MPs on all sides at the Commons administration committee's decision to rule out a change to tap water.
A House of Commons spokeswoman said there were "too many practical difficulties" in setting up and maintaining water coolers in MPs' offices and committee rooms.
Providing and refilling jugs of fresh tap water in committee rooms would cost an estimated £295,000 a year she added.
But, she said: "We are mindful of the fact that we want to reduce our carbon emissions and are therefore looking at other measures to do that." Hildon clocked up more than 70,000 miles delivering its water the 77 miles to the Palace of Westminster between 2003 and 2008.
Has anyone ever considered how many miles hildon clock up delivering their empty glass bottles from wherever they're made to their filling point? & that's BEFORE they've travelled the so called 70k miles quoted above!!!
Unknown, at 02 September, 2009
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