UK - Daily Echo - Where's the proof?

IN Tasmania, fluoridated since 1953, the people have some of the worst teeth in Australia -with a tooth being pulled once every three minutes.
According to the Australian Health and Medical Research Council:
• 11.2 per cent of Tasmanians aged 25 to 44 wear dentures, almost double the national average.
• A tooth is extracted every three minutes in public dental services around Australia.
• Tasmania has the highest percentage of people wearing a denture in the nation.
• The rate of 23.1 per cent is 4.6 per cent higher than national average of 18.5 per cent.
• In all the age categories from 25 to 65-plus, Tasmania is significantly above the national average.
• 41 per cent of Tasmanians in the 45 to 64-year-old category have dentures, which is 12 per cent above the national average.
This confirms what the York Report found -that there is no reliable proof that fluoridation works.
In the UK, the fluoridated West Midlands is quoted as having some of the best teeth in the country but they have a large dental budget. Even fluoridated Coventry recently received an additional £lm for its dental budget.
If the scheme in Southampton goes ahead they will not be putting in sodium fluoride or the calcium fluoride found in areas of the UK but 112.3 tonnes of hexafluorosilicic acid captured waste from the phosphate industry with its two per cent of heavy metals including, lead, arsenic and mercury. This toxic mix will get dumped into our water supply every year.
Olga Senior (In My View, July 27) suggested the public do not understand complex health issues, can she, or Professor Newton on behalf of the Strategic Health Authority, explain to us mere mortals why Tasmania has such a dismal record of dental health after 56 years of fluoridation?
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