UK - Southampton Daily Echo

IN the fluoride debate (Daily Echo, June 5), an SHA spokesman said the board was confident that the decision to fluoridate the water supply was taken "in the best interests of the local people.
This despite the local people legitimately voting against it. The introduction of a fluoride substitute is all about medicating us whether we want it or not, so whichever way they put it, if it is allegedly for our health, it has to be construed as a form of medication. Medicated water is not wholesome drinking water, and therefore unlawful.
We now read that the SHA has set aside £400,000 of our money (which could be better used within the National Health Service) to fight a legal claim against it for a judicial review at London's Royal Courts of Justice. The overbearing conceit that they are right in this matter is utterly breathtaking.
Prime Minister Brown said it in a nutshell on a recent visit to Southampton - "the decision was up to the local people". We decided. M A Clements, Mill Road, Southampton.
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