USA - Letter - Hope glimmers toward healthy water
Hope glimmers toward healthy water
There's hope brewing toward someday rescinding the flawed plan to treat drinking water with hazardous waste fluosilicic acid-caustic soda to force fluoride into the blood of consumers.First, Deborah Passow, special assistant to District Attorney Steve Cooley in Los Angeles, responded that attorney Thomas Papageorge, Head Deputy of the Consumer Protection Division, was given the list of eight counts of possible federal drug law violations by Metropolitan Water, which treats human tissues with its mixture without being registered with, nor approved by, the Food and Drug Administration. The fact that this DA didn't ignore the information is fantastic.Second, the California Environmental Protection Agency placed fluoride salts in its highest category possible to review for regulations to minimize cancer-causing activity ( This turn of events occurred for several reasons: vast prospective experimental data on animal carcinogenity of unnatural fluoride, convincing epidemiological cancer data on humans in fluoridated versus non-fluoridated cities, and the fact that nearly 70 percent of U.S. water is injected with these agents. The FDA has been notified of these California activities.The FDA labels toothpaste fluorides as drugs, fluoride drops as prescription drugs, and water fluoridation as uncontrolled use of drugs, where side effects and allowed daily doses can't be labeled.Richard SauerheberSan Marcos
There's hope brewing toward someday rescinding the flawed plan to treat drinking water with hazardous waste fluosilicic acid-caustic soda to force fluoride into the blood of consumers.First, Deborah Passow, special assistant to District Attorney Steve Cooley in Los Angeles, responded that attorney Thomas Papageorge, Head Deputy of the Consumer Protection Division, was given the list of eight counts of possible federal drug law violations by Metropolitan Water, which treats human tissues with its mixture without being registered with, nor approved by, the Food and Drug Administration. The fact that this DA didn't ignore the information is fantastic.Second, the California Environmental Protection Agency placed fluoride salts in its highest category possible to review for regulations to minimize cancer-causing activity ( This turn of events occurred for several reasons: vast prospective experimental data on animal carcinogenity of unnatural fluoride, convincing epidemiological cancer data on humans in fluoridated versus non-fluoridated cities, and the fact that nearly 70 percent of U.S. water is injected with these agents. The FDA has been notified of these California activities.The FDA labels toothpaste fluorides as drugs, fluoride drops as prescription drugs, and water fluoridation as uncontrolled use of drugs, where side effects and allowed daily doses can't be labeled.Richard SauerheberSan Marcos
alright! Stop toxic waste being forced into our water. Or at least pay us to be human toxic waste dumps to the aluminum industry!
Daniel Amara, at 24 June, 2009
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