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UK Against Fluoridation

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

NZ - Tooth decay 64% higher after fluoridation

Tooth decay 64% higher after fluoridation
Tuesday, 7 April 2009, 10:07 am
Press Release: Fluoride Action Network
Tooth decay 64% higher after fluoridation introduced in the Far North
Nine months into the fluoridation experiment being conducted on the people of Kaitaia and Kaikohe, tooth decay was 64% higher in the fluoridated towns - according to the latest Government statistics.

The two year fluoridation trial began in March 2007, having been jointly organised by the Far North District Council (FNDC) and the Northland DHB. Kaitaia and Kaikohe have been fluoridated. Three unfluoridated local communities are being used for comparing tooth decay rates. The trial is intended to be the basis for fluoridating all of the Far North - "a predetermined outcome by the DHB" points out Mark Atkin National Co-ordinator of Fluoride Action Network NZ ( FANNZ ). The trial has been strongly opposed by a number of local groups and iwi. A DHB proposal to continue the trial will be considered by the FNDC in late April.
“These figures show that it is the fluoridated towns, NOT the unfluoridated ones, that are responsible for the poor dental health figures in the Far North” asserts Mark Atkin.
"The Northland District Health Board provided interesting statistics. According to the Board, each 5 year old Pacific Island child living in unfluoridated areas has 51 decayed missing or filled teeth. But as any dentist knows, a 5 year old child only has 20 teeth" points out Mr Atkin. “The Northland District Health Board's figures are simply not credible.”

“Can we trust this Board who are now preparing the analysis of their ‘trial’ in the Far North?” asks Mr Atkin.

Further, the Far North trial only involves 540 children. International studies of tens of thousands of children show no benefit from fluoridation. Any studies released by this Board are immediately going to be suspect according to Mr Atkin.

At the same time a “hugely successful” teeth-brushing campaign has been implemented. This will significantly impact on dental health during the trial, making any sensible analysis of fluoridation’s claimed impact virtually impossible. “The researchers say they expect to convince the whole world to fluoridate based on this charade of a trial. No objective scientist would give this trial a minute’s credibility, especially run by researchers who make such obvious and careless mistakes as above” states Mr Atkin, a scientist by training, adding “To ensure transparency, FANNZ has requested their raw data for almost a year – for independent analysis. They have refused. What are they hiding?”

“Fluoridation does not reduce tooth decay. It is an ineffective, unsafe, and unethical practice. This sham ‘trial’ flies in the face of a rising tide of international scientific research and opinion. Fluoridation is rapidly being revealed as, quite simply, the biggest medical fraud in history” concludes Mr Atkin.

Public meetings on the fluoridation trial are scheduled in the Far North for early May. Further information can be found at www.fannz.org.nz.



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