USA - Bottled Water Blues
Roseanne Colletti
Posted March 27, 2009
If you can't leave home without one, you're probably one of the people responsible for making the U.S. the single biggest consumer of bottled water in the world. In fact, U.S. residents drink more bottled water each year than any other beverage except carbonated soft drinks. Mexico, China, Brazil and Italy round out the top five consumers.
That being said, it's entirely possible your children may drink nothing but bottled water, as many households cook with it as well. This could mean the fluoride kids ingest from the public water system in many communities, never reaches them. Depending on which side of the ongoing debate about fluoride you're on, that's a good thing or a bad thing.
The Hatfield's and McCoy's had a greater chance of resolving their differences than do those for or against fluoride in water. The American Dental Association has long supported fluoridation where water systems are lacking. "In some situations you may see as much as a 40% greater chance of decay without fluoride," says Dr. Mark Wolff, Chair of the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at New York University College of Dentistry. On the other hand, organized lobbying groups against fluoridation claim point out fluoride is has been linked to arthritis, allergies, kidney and thyroid dysfunctions, bone damage and even cancer.
Whether you want fluoride in your drinking water or not, here's the dilemma faced by people who rely solely on bottled water. Some bottled water has fluoride because it occurs naturally, some bottled water doesn't have fluoride because it has been taken out and some bottled water has had fluoride added to it. So, how do you tell the difference?(
Posted March 27, 2009
If you can't leave home without one, you're probably one of the people responsible for making the U.S. the single biggest consumer of bottled water in the world. In fact, U.S. residents drink more bottled water each year than any other beverage except carbonated soft drinks. Mexico, China, Brazil and Italy round out the top five consumers.
That being said, it's entirely possible your children may drink nothing but bottled water, as many households cook with it as well. This could mean the fluoride kids ingest from the public water system in many communities, never reaches them. Depending on which side of the ongoing debate about fluoride you're on, that's a good thing or a bad thing.
The Hatfield's and McCoy's had a greater chance of resolving their differences than do those for or against fluoride in water. The American Dental Association has long supported fluoridation where water systems are lacking. "In some situations you may see as much as a 40% greater chance of decay without fluoride," says Dr. Mark Wolff, Chair of the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at New York University College of Dentistry. On the other hand, organized lobbying groups against fluoridation claim point out fluoride is has been linked to arthritis, allergies, kidney and thyroid dysfunctions, bone damage and even cancer.
Whether you want fluoride in your drinking water or not, here's the dilemma faced by people who rely solely on bottled water. Some bottled water has fluoride because it occurs naturally, some bottled water doesn't have fluoride because it has been taken out and some bottled water has had fluoride added to it. So, how do you tell the difference?(
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