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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, February 01, 2009

UK - Letter - Cost of fluoride

Cost of fluoride
Jan 31 2009 by Val Javin, Huddersfield Daily Examiner
A FEW of observations on recent letters to the Examiner of the subject of proposed water fluoridation.
The toxic industrial waste used to fluoridate water supplies in the UK is expensive to safely dispose of.A recent costing in the USA puts safe disposal at $7,000 per 5,000 gallons.Only a few, mostly English speaking countries add fluoride to tap water and the ones with least tooth decay, Finland, Holland and others do not.
Others like Switzerland gave up the practice recently after over 40 years finding it did not prevent tooth decay and had adverse effects on health.
See adverse side-effects of fluoride used in the past as a prescribed drug to treat hyperthyroidism causing lowered metabolic rate, hypothyroidism, obesity etc.
Today a internet search showed over 850,000 entries on the subject of fluoridating tap water for population control and to stupefy populations.
There are many references to the intention of Hitler to fluoridate the water supplies of the nations conquered by Germany.

Edward Priestley
Gajoubert, France


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