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UK Against Fluoridation

Sunday, February 01, 2009

UK - Council swallows fluoride propaganda

Council swallows fluoride propaganda
Jan 31 2009 by Val Javin, Huddersfield Daily Examiner

SO WE now have it. Official confirmation that Kirklees Council supports the quest by Primary Care Trust, NHS Kirklees, in its endeavour to have fluoride added to the water supply of the local area.

How perceptive Clr Light was when he described the Labour Lib Dem alliance as an ‘alliance of evil’.

Within two hours of the new Cabinet being formed – on Wednesday 21 January 2009 – the Labour and Lib Dem councillors voted to support the motion before the council, which endorsed further endeavour by the PCT to have fluoride added to the water supply.

The Conservative councillors voted against the motion. The vote was conducted by a show of hands. No written record. The annals of KMBC do not show the names of the councillors who voted that night.

These Labour and Lib Dem councillors have shown the greatest disregard for personal freedom of choice that it is possible to envisage.

Because some parents will not ensure that their children clean their teeth regularly they want the populace of Kirklees to have their water supply contaminated by a poison which is recognised world wide to provoke deep controversy.

Are the Labour and Lib Dem councillors simply stooges in support of the know-all, we know best medics, who populate the PCT? The PCT assure me that their actions are not the result of a Government prompt which makes the whole situation even more alarming – local professionals who have such low regard for others. Have these councillors no regard what so ever for us – the populace of Kirklees?

Are they so parochial and blinkered that they fail to recognise that the addition of fluoride to a water supply is such a contentious issue it is of raging proportions and that they should be seeing beyond Government produced propaganda? Sadly, these are people who represent us.

What happens now? The money shovellers will be out. Thousands of pounds are to be spent on ‘informing’ and ‘consulting’. The informing will consist of, amongst other things, the publishing and distribution of thousands, perhaps millions, of leaflets carrying the biased message that fluoride is good for you and should be adopted. You doubt my word? Note the report by Clr Walton which provoked a critique which raised 20 points as to the veracity of her report. Stand by for more.

Could all this have something to do with there not being any local council elections in Kirklees this year?

C R Atkinson



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