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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, January 24, 2009

UK - Fluoride damages brains of young children

Fluoride damages brains of young children
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 09:20
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FLUORIDE DANGER: Our PCT is set to spend up to £700,000 on providing extra strength fluoride toothpaste for children, including babies, who have just developed their first teeth.
Fluoride of any strength is a risk for children. Dr Vyvian Howard, one of this country's leading toxiologists and an expert on the effects of toxins on the infant brain, has shown that damage from early over-exposure to fluoride can range from lowered IQ and psychological problems to mental retardation and a higher incidence of Down's syndrome births. Dr Howard can be heard on the Fluoride Action Alert website, which should be compulsory viewing for all those in favour of this form of mass medication.
We are often told that fluoride has been used safely in parts of Britain and the USA for 40 years. If this were so, why are so many states now quietly removing it from their water supplies? Parents in States which still retain it are now being told that they must never use it to make up infant formula feed. This makes it astonishing that any UK health professional would allow fluoride into a baby's mouth.
Could Kate Taylor Weetman, consultant in dental public health, please tell us what research there has been on the safety of giving small children extra strength fluoride?


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