USA - BTBC passes fluoride resolution
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:43 PM MST
Calling it a victory at the last General Council Meeting, IHS dentist Dr. Gary Pannabecker was thrilled the Blackfeet Tribal Council passed a resolution in support of fluoridating the new Two Medicine water project.
For more than five years Dr. Pannabecker has been working to get the water fluoridated. The new Two Medicine water project will provide water to approximately 5,000 of the 10,000 residents of the Blackfeet Reservation. Community water fluoridation is one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. Even third world countries benefit from water fluoridation. It is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay for all ages. Over 170 million people in the United States have the benefit of a fluoridated water supply................
Jack Cook wrote on Dec 18, 2008 3:17 PM:
" Dear Glacier Reporter,
Thank you for your article. I sincerely hope that more people in Montana become aware of this issue, and begin a meaningful debate over its ramifications.
The Union of Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency has been against fluoridation for many years, but their concerns have been overridden by the EPA Administration without regard to the facts.
Despite the assurances given by the experts in city council meetings, my own personal experience is very clear on the matter of fluoride. I had fought with "mysterious" medical symptoms for about 25 years prior to doing some very serious research on fluoride and its effects on the human body. There is an estimate that perhaps five percent of the population may be extremely sensitive or allergic to the substance. I'm almost certain that I am one of them.
In September of 2007, my family began using distilled water remineralized with a small amount of sea salt as our drinking and cooking water. I noticed that my symptoms simply went away within one week of making this one change in my diet. I have not been sick since then, and none of those symptoms have returned. In fact, my teeth have gotten whiter and my dental health has actually improved significantly. My wife and I saw so much improvement that we took the next logical step; we had all our mercury amalgams removed and replaced with much safer filling materials. Once you realize how very small amounts of a neurotoxin can affect your nervous system, the idea of intentionally ingesting those toxins becomes ludicrous.
After researching this issue for more than a year, the dangers of fluoridation have become all too clear to me. I don't even have to be a "qualified" scientist to realize the political and scientific ignorance that has exposed our population to an extreme toxin and non approved medication that is added to our water for us to drink without measured dose and without individual prescription or oversight by qualified medical doctors. More than 95 percent of the substance never actually reaches the population it is meant to serve, but instead, becomes a very cheap and convenient method of disposing (or maybe I should use the term "spreading around") a substance that is originally a pollution by product of the fertilizer industry. In effect, we have managed to poison the American population for sixty years. This is one of the most successful scams in history.
I simply cannot understand the need of professionals to quote information from the CDC rather than review the current scientific studies themselves. Instead, their favorite tactic seems to be that of discrediting those who are against the practice. I can't tell you how many times our local professionals in government here in Davidson County have given me false data and information that they simply copied from the CDC. How can I trust the very organizations that are supposed to protect our health when the risks are so obvious.
The answer, of course, is that I cannot. Only a collection of dedicated individuals who work outside of the system will ever affect such change. And, in this case, change is coming much faster than any of our "officials" will admit. But, as usual, once the truth is considered everyday knowledge, those same officials will stumble all over themselves attempting to realign their opinions to conform to the new accepted norm.
Fluoridation will someday go the way of leaded gasoline and the dinosaur.
Calling it a victory at the last General Council Meeting, IHS dentist Dr. Gary Pannabecker was thrilled the Blackfeet Tribal Council passed a resolution in support of fluoridating the new Two Medicine water project.
For more than five years Dr. Pannabecker has been working to get the water fluoridated. The new Two Medicine water project will provide water to approximately 5,000 of the 10,000 residents of the Blackfeet Reservation. Community water fluoridation is one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. Even third world countries benefit from water fluoridation. It is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay for all ages. Over 170 million people in the United States have the benefit of a fluoridated water supply................
Jack Cook wrote on Dec 18, 2008 3:17 PM:
" Dear Glacier Reporter,
Thank you for your article. I sincerely hope that more people in Montana become aware of this issue, and begin a meaningful debate over its ramifications.
The Union of Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency has been against fluoridation for many years, but their concerns have been overridden by the EPA Administration without regard to the facts.
Despite the assurances given by the experts in city council meetings, my own personal experience is very clear on the matter of fluoride. I had fought with "mysterious" medical symptoms for about 25 years prior to doing some very serious research on fluoride and its effects on the human body. There is an estimate that perhaps five percent of the population may be extremely sensitive or allergic to the substance. I'm almost certain that I am one of them.
In September of 2007, my family began using distilled water remineralized with a small amount of sea salt as our drinking and cooking water. I noticed that my symptoms simply went away within one week of making this one change in my diet. I have not been sick since then, and none of those symptoms have returned. In fact, my teeth have gotten whiter and my dental health has actually improved significantly. My wife and I saw so much improvement that we took the next logical step; we had all our mercury amalgams removed and replaced with much safer filling materials. Once you realize how very small amounts of a neurotoxin can affect your nervous system, the idea of intentionally ingesting those toxins becomes ludicrous.
After researching this issue for more than a year, the dangers of fluoridation have become all too clear to me. I don't even have to be a "qualified" scientist to realize the political and scientific ignorance that has exposed our population to an extreme toxin and non approved medication that is added to our water for us to drink without measured dose and without individual prescription or oversight by qualified medical doctors. More than 95 percent of the substance never actually reaches the population it is meant to serve, but instead, becomes a very cheap and convenient method of disposing (or maybe I should use the term "spreading around") a substance that is originally a pollution by product of the fertilizer industry. In effect, we have managed to poison the American population for sixty years. This is one of the most successful scams in history.
I simply cannot understand the need of professionals to quote information from the CDC rather than review the current scientific studies themselves. Instead, their favorite tactic seems to be that of discrediting those who are against the practice. I can't tell you how many times our local professionals in government here in Davidson County have given me false data and information that they simply copied from the CDC. How can I trust the very organizations that are supposed to protect our health when the risks are so obvious.
The answer, of course, is that I cannot. Only a collection of dedicated individuals who work outside of the system will ever affect such change. And, in this case, change is coming much faster than any of our "officials" will admit. But, as usual, once the truth is considered everyday knowledge, those same officials will stumble all over themselves attempting to realign their opinions to conform to the new accepted norm.
Fluoridation will someday go the way of leaded gasoline and the dinosaur.
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