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UK Against Fluoridation

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Look up 'fluoride' in Webster's dictionary

About 40 years ago, I was selected along with a 52-year-old grandmother to be a part of a debate concerning fluoride. The debate took place in a classroom of a nursing program. All hands went up to be on the pro team, no volunteers for the cons -- there by the grace of God -- goes me and grandma.
We searched the state of Maine, local water supply, city hall, nothing available in print against fluoride. We are in trouble.
The night before the debate, grandma called and asked me if I had a Webster dictionary. "Of course," I replied. "Check out the word 'fluoride'" -- end of conversation. Needless to say we won the debate. Hands down, check Webster -- poison.

Lorraine Dore Cyr

Main Entry: fluo·rine
Etymology: French, from New Latin fluor
Date: 1813
: a nonmetallic halogen element that is isolated as a pale yellowish flammable irritating toxic diatomic gas


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