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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, July 05, 2008

IOM - Packed order paper for July Tynwald

Packed order paper for July Tynwald
04/07/2008 09:17:16
There's a packed order paper for the final Tynwald sitting of this legislative year.
Members will have 69 items on the main order paper to consider.
Tynwald will hear statements on the preservation of war memorials, the Langness footpath and something health related from DHSS Minister Eddie Teare.
Then there are several financial motions, Chief Minister Tony Brown will call for the approval of £8000 to be given to veterans exposed to nuclear tests in the 1950s -something which has been called for by Eddie Lowey MLC.
Member swill be asked to approve spending of more than £1 million for consultants fees for the IRIS project, and a further 900,000 for the installation of a main between Oncahn and Baldrine and in Bowring Road in Ramsey.
The man who found the viking silver is now to be offered a payment of £300,000 for the hoard he found in 2003 - that's an increase of £25,000 from the offer made in May.
And Rushen MHK Quinitn Gill is keen to revive the fluoride issue - he wants Tynwald to "view with concern" the Department of Health's spending on pro-fluoride campaigns.
The sitting will start on Tuesday July 15th.

The Strategic health Authority are spending £177,250 in Southampton on propaganda to convince the citizens to drink it. Hampshire Against Fluoridation has almost no money but we are still determined to stop them.


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