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UK Against Fluoridation

Saturday, May 24, 2008

UK - Normal balanced diet is enough

Normal balanced diet is enough
23 May 2008
In the latest MORI survey, there was a majority of support for water fluoridation across all age groups in the population.
The highest level of support (78 per cent) was among 16 to 24 year olds.
Consultant in dental public health to Birmingham Health Authority, John Langford, commented: “This poll shows that there is still a massive majority of support for adding fluoride to water to promote better dental health."
The questions were as follows: Do you think that fluoride should be added to the water supply if it reduces tooth decay? Second was, Do you think there is fluoride naturally present in water?
First question after reading that is, why did Langford use the word ‘still’? Was it in the wake of the York report not stating that it was a panacea for healthy teeth, but a concern of fluorosis and people now, are having second thoughts on fluoride?
It is also at this stage that I also add that Julie Kirkbride MP is on the panel for Mori and that she also supported the addition of fluoride.

We are told by South Staffs Water in a letter this paper has that it and the PCT carried out a public opinion poll in 1985 before adding fluoride asking people those very same questions, but according to Strategic Health that covers the whole of the West Midlands, when we asked under the Freedom Of Information Act, it said there was no such undertaking.

Fluoride is present in all manner of foods - water, tea leaves, meat, fruit, vegetables, milk, and poultry. So if you eat all these foods in a balanced way, you get the protection you need. But Langford ignores this information and he should use his position to teach the nation better eating habits.

Stan Francis
Bromsgrove Clean Water Group.

Biased question - do you think that fluoride should be added to the water supply if it reduces tooth decay? If you were ignorant about fluoride you are bound to say yes.


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