UK - Green Party: Keep fluoride out of water
Green Party: Keep fluoride out of water
By Staff Reporter
THE Green Party is campaigning against the addition of flouride to water supplies and is the only party pledging to prevent it from happening.
Advocates of flouridisation say it will help to turn around poor dental health as flouride, despite effectively being a poison, can help to strengthen teeth.
Eric Hyland said people know the Green Party was concerned about the environment, but in this election he wants to put over the message that it is about more than that.
He said: "Fluoridation robs you of your freedom to choose. Fluoride is toxic waste. It is more toxic than lead and marginally less so than arsenic. This is what the Government wants to put in your drinking water. It is illegal under the Poisons Act to administer poisonous or noxious substances to anyone and the Green Party will continue to campaign against it."
By Staff Reporter
THE Green Party is campaigning against the addition of flouride to water supplies and is the only party pledging to prevent it from happening.
Advocates of flouridisation say it will help to turn around poor dental health as flouride, despite effectively being a poison, can help to strengthen teeth.
Eric Hyland said people know the Green Party was concerned about the environment, but in this election he wants to put over the message that it is about more than that.
He said: "Fluoridation robs you of your freedom to choose. Fluoride is toxic waste. It is more toxic than lead and marginally less so than arsenic. This is what the Government wants to put in your drinking water. It is illegal under the Poisons Act to administer poisonous or noxious substances to anyone and the Green Party will continue to campaign against it."
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