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UK Against Fluoridation

Friday, April 04, 2008

Ireland - Take the fluoride out of water

Take the fluoride out of water
Dear Editor,
I wish to draw attention to the controversial issue of water fluoridation. Since the 1960s artificial fluoride has been added to the water supply in Ireland. We are now the most heavily fluoridated country in the world. The public has been scarcely consulted and numerous councils have called for the removal of fluoride. In addition, only a handful of countries worldwide fluoridate tap water, most having banned, discontinued or withdrawn the practice.

This mass medication of the populace is both unconstitutional and contrary to our human rights. Why should we be forced to injest this chemical against our will when fluoride toothpaste and fluoride tablets can be easily obtained if people really want it?.

There is only one perceived benefit of fluoride, namely that it supposedly helps to prevent dental caries in children up to 12 years of age (when teeth are still growing). The largest study on fluoride’s effectiveness (carried out by the US National Institute for Health) showed no significant difference in caries incidences when comparing fluoridated and unfluoridated areas. Instead, repeated international studies have linked fluoride with dental and skeletal fluorosis, cancer, kidney disease, genetic mutations, Alzheimers disease, brain damage, lowering of IQ, early sexual puberty, birth defects and irritable bowel syndrome among other health problems.

The world’s leading authority on the biological effects of fluoride, Dr John Yiamouyiannis estimates that 30,000-50,000 deaths each year in the US are directly attributable to fluoride.

The government’s recommended ‘safe limit’ of fluoride is 1mg per day. At current levels of water fluoridation in Ireland, drinking just one litre of water a day provides enough fluoride to exceed this safe limit – not to mention the water we use to make carbonated drinks, beer and tea, and to wash food in. Furthermore, on hot days people drink more and fluoride is also absorbed when showering and bathing.

Many organisations have withdrawn support for fluoridation e.g. Consumer’s Association of Ireland, American Cancer Society, American Nurses Association, US National Kidney Foundation, US Commission on Chronic Illness.

Artificial fluoride or hexafluorosilic acid is a waste byproduct of the fertilizer industry. It has been found to contain a toxic soup of lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury radionuclides, beryllium, vanadium and chromium. In Ireland we buy our fluoride from the Netherlands, a country where fluoridation has been banned!

I urge everyone to write to the Minister for the Environment John Gormley ( who before getting into government was against fluoridation) to stop this practice immediately.
Yours sincerely,
Somhairle MacAodha
34 Devon Park,
Lower Salthill,


  • My lettter to the DofH [UK] 10th February 2009.
    Dear Ms Brothwell and your fellow conspirators,
    I realise you have tried to escape from my attempts to educate you, by saying you have answered all my questions on Fluoride.
    This is of course a deliberate lie.
    Knowing that all at the D of H suffer from ADD-- That's Attention Deficit Disorder, which you probably pretend you have never heard of-- I will keep this contribution short in the hope you can strugggle to the end of it before you become exhausted, and need to go and lie down. It's what comes from taking the drugs you and the MHRA have Licenced, which can only harm your organs. So here goes. Enjoy!!

    "Earth is an insane asylum, to which the other planets deport their lunatics." --Voltaire(Memnon the Philosopher).

    Controversial fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin nerve gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUoride).

    Sodium fluoride, a hazardous-waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum, is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas.

    It's historically been quite expensive to properly dispose of, until some aluminum industries with an overabundance of the stuff sold the public on the terrifically insane, but highly profitable, idea of buying it at a 20,000% markup, injecting it into our water supplies, and then DRINKING it.

    Yes, a 20,000% markup: Fluoride-- intended only for human consumption by people under 14 years of age--is injected into our drinking water supply at approx. 1 part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink 1/2 of one percent of the total water supply, the rest literally goes down the drain as a free hazardous-waste disposal for the chemical industry, where we PAY them so that we can flush their expensive hazardous waste down our toilets. How many salesmen dream of such a deal? (Follow the money.)

    Independent scientific evidence repeatedly showing up over the past 50 years reveals that fluoride allegedly shortens our life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old folks, and makes us stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one package.

    The last sentence suggests the D of H has been drinking too much of the stuff.


    Here's the knockout blow for your much quoted York Review, in support of mass Fluoridation--abandoned by every other country of note.

    "In an interview conducted with Andreas Schuld, head of a global organization of parents of children poisoned by excessive fluoride intake, evidence was presented

    showing that the York Review falsified vital information in their report, and deliberately mis-informed the public on the adverse health effects of fluoride.

    The interview was conducted by Croft Woodruff, host of one of Canada's longest running health radio talk shows, past president of the Canadian Health Food Association and founding member of the 25,000 member-strong Canadian Health Action Network Society (HANS).

    Schuld arrived for the interview with the York Report and numerous studies which had supposedly been reviewed in-depth by the esteemed center.

    He briefly recounted how the York Center had changed the wording in the study

    [this is indefensible]protocol to avoid inclusion of specific information on fluoride and thyroid effects, as well as data concerning the high amounts of fluoride content in tea - an issue of obvious concern for the people in the UK.

    Schuld's group had supplied the York team with evidence showing that symptoms described in the literature on fluoride's adverse health effects were identical to those observed in thyroid dysfunction, and that the condition known as "dental fluorosis" - now proclaimed by the York Review to be merely an issue of "aesthetic concern" - was actually to be seen as a direct result of fluoride-induced iodine deficiency during the time of enamel formation.

    The field of dentistry claims that the biochemical factors leading to the enamel defects observed in dental fluorosis are still unknown.

    Schuld then cited specific examples as how the York Review had falsified results.

    First on the agenda was the issue of thyroid cancer. Schuld read an excerpt from the York Report which claims that no association was found between thyroid cancer and fluoridated water supplies in a study conducted in Britain.

    Schuld then asked Woodruff to read from the actual data of the study.

    It showed an increase of 18% in observed thyroid cancers in the fluoridated areas when compared to non-fluoridated areas.

    "No association?", Schuld asked, and then proceeded to read from newspaper articles from China, where entire villages are being re-located due to fluoride contamination and where fluoride is being openly acknowledged as the cause of thyroid cancer, Kaschin-Beck disease and iodine deficiency.

    Next, Schuld presented a paper which had investigated whether fluoridation had a protective effect on slipped epiphysis, one of the most-common hip disorders observed in older children and adolescents. Schuld said that this paper was especially close to his heart as the condition has been strongly linked to hypothyroidism since the 1920s. Schuld added that this was acknowledged by the study authors themselves who had provided more than 16 references in the paper's first paragraph.

    York team which had been informed of fluoride's effects on thyroid hormones should have woken up here, Schuld said.

    Schuld then read excerpts from the York Report which had found "the direction of association to be positive (a protective effect) in girls and negative (increased risk) in boys", but that neither of these was statistically significant.

    Schuld again asked Woodruff to look at the actual data in the paper. Woodruff saw an 18 per cent increase of the disease in males in fluoridated areas. "Would you consider an 18% increase here significant?" Schuld asked Woodruff,

    who at this time joined Schuld in declaring the Review a total scientific fraud and called it an example of severe and gross scientific

    Defend this please Ms Brothwell. You are paid as a Civil Servant to investigate such evidence, and give us the truth. You have failed through incompetence or dereliction of your duty to the people, to ensure they are not harmed by processes that you licence.

    This you have done despite the fact that the EU declared 3 years ago that fluoridating water supplies was illegal, since it is a medical procedure, which is banned under EU law.

    Deny this, Ms Brothwell, if you dare.

    It is you who have been trumpeting the York findings, which we now know were totally fraudulent.

    Schuld then read further excerpts from the paper in question, citing how the authors of the study had found that more cases had come from rural areas, and "that, in general, the rural areas had higher fluoride levels than suburban or urban regions".

    "In other words, the higher the fluoride levels, the more slipped epiphysis", said Schuld, "another obvious sign showing the anti-thyroid activity of fluoride".

    Schuld ridiculed the claim by York that fluoridation showed protective effects in girls. "It is known that the disease almost NEVER occurs in girls once menses have begun, so walking around with a toilet bowl on your head would show so-called protective effects in this group", exclaimed Schuld.

    Schuld emphasized the issue of delayed eruption of teeth, explaining how it has been established since the 1930s that thyroid hormones control tooth eruption.

    As Schuld read from the York Report, "It has been suggested that fluoridation may delay the eruption of teeth and thus caries incidence could be delayed as teeth would be exposed to decay for a shorter period of time. Only one study compared the number of erupted teeth per child. The difference was very small and in opposite directions in the two age groups examined."

    "This is total fraud", Schuld said, "I have 50 papers right here showing the delayed eruption of teeth in fluoridated areas, including the Newburgh-Kingston data and the papers by Kunzel which were included in the York Review and which they supposedly reviewed. The very same data which they use to prove fluoride's benefits shows this delayed eruption. There are even papers included here which explain how fluorosis gets more severe the later a tooth erupts!"

    "Delayed eruption is the single most important factor to consider in evaluating data on fluoridation", explained Schuld, "This delay will produce a delay in the onset of caries which is then interpreted as a benefit. There is no benefit. Caries is just delayed. Delayed eruption occurs because you have made the child hypothyroid."

    Schuld then reported on studies done in the 1930s by Floyd DeEds which reported clear results that dental fluorosis is a sign of thyroid dysfunction. According to Schuld, any anti-thyroid administered during the time of enamel formation will produce the effects seen in dental fluorosis, again citing DeEds and his work which shows how cadmium also caused mottled

    Woodruff read from two separate studies by German dental researcher Kunzel (who is represented with 4 papers in the York Report) which showed how caries occurrence had dropped sharply after the cessation of water fluoridation, including a study done in Cuba as well as one from East Germany, where children enjoyed the greatest caries reduction in 40 years after the practice of fluoridation was halted. "Data from these cities are also in the York Report" said Schuld, "but this time misinterpreted to show a fluoridation benefit! This is an outrageous fraud."
    "Fluorides actually cause cavities", said Schuld. "There are countless papers, some of them - again - also found in the York Report, which clearly state that the dental defects seen in fluorosis predispose to caries. Is this also a cosmetic concern only?"
    This article is truncated, because I don't think you could stomach any more of it.

    We are awaiting your defence Ms Brothwell. Having deliberately lied to me on numerous occsasions trying to defend fluoridation and the York Report, I suggest you and your colleagues do the honourable thing and resign. Unfortunately you are not honourable people, so you will all ignore my suggestion.
    How dare you spend £42 million of taxpayers' hard earned money in this recession on promoting even more fluoridation, when your main plank of support has now been completely destroyed.
    I demand that you bring this email to the notice of the Minister, as I must assume he is totally ignorant of what he is doing to kill or maim citizens, along with £42million down the drain promoting his scheme to poison even more than the present 6 million being slowly made sick with cancers, thyroid disfunctions brain damage and osteoporosis. It is a criminal disgrace. Yes CRIMINAL, and it is clear you don't give a damn.
    John Ivens.

    By Blogger Quillan, at 09 February, 2009  

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