UK = VOICE OF THE SUNDAY Mirror: Fluoride..the whole tooth
VOICE OF THE SUNDAY Mirror: Fluoride..the whole tooth
For more than 40 years, head-in-thesand campaigners have fought against fluoride being put in water supplies.
Yet the evidence shows that, where it is, it makes a huge difference to people's dental health, particularly children.
Now, finally, Health Secretary Alan Johnson is going to give the go-ahead for it to be added to water.
Once again cries will be heard opposing the plan - "it is the nanny state at work"..."the benefits of fluoride are unproven".
Both arguments are simply wrong. Fluoride makes a real difference, which is particularly important for the nation's dental health when we eat and drink more sugary foods than ever, not to mention the chronic shortage of dentists.
There is no proof that fluoride does any harm and a lot that it does good. The only people who benefit by not adding it to water supplies are dentists, because they get more work. And even they support the plan.
It is incredible that the prevarication has gone on for so many decades. Even now, health chiefs can say no.
But Mr Johnson is to be congratulated for taking a step which will do more for the nation's dental health than anything since the creation of NHS dentists.
For more than 40 years, head-in-thesand campaigners have fought against fluoride being put in water supplies.
Yet the evidence shows that, where it is, it makes a huge difference to people's dental health, particularly children.
Now, finally, Health Secretary Alan Johnson is going to give the go-ahead for it to be added to water.
Once again cries will be heard opposing the plan - "it is the nanny state at work"..."the benefits of fluoride are unproven".
Both arguments are simply wrong. Fluoride makes a real difference, which is particularly important for the nation's dental health when we eat and drink more sugary foods than ever, not to mention the chronic shortage of dentists.
There is no proof that fluoride does any harm and a lot that it does good. The only people who benefit by not adding it to water supplies are dentists, because they get more work. And even they support the plan.
It is incredible that the prevarication has gone on for so many decades. Even now, health chiefs can say no.
But Mr Johnson is to be congratulated for taking a step which will do more for the nation's dental health than anything since the creation of NHS dentists.
Absolutely unbelievable. I don't know what to say after reading that. More and more things are pushing me out of this country.
Anonymous, at 03 February, 2008
Mr. Johnson seems to be an absolute expert at prevarication. What a silly bucket of misinformation. In the US the Health officials read from the same 50 year old script. The current science shows that fluorides benefits if any are topical. Children in unfluoridated cities still get dental fluorosis (from toxic overexposure from the other many sources. Fluoridation only increases that number with little if any cavity reduction. Little studies can be doctored but the latest big ones show small or no benefit. The real dangers are not the teeth but exposure to a cumulative toxin that stores in bones at 50% or more of all intake.Only looking at teeth misses the effects. Fluoride is more toxic they lead but has better public relation. The latest CDC study 2004-2005 unpublished) shows well over 50% of children in fluroridated cities having multiple teeth with dental fluorosis. Debate not edict. Science not policy.
Unknown, at 03 February, 2008
The BDA are quick to point out how well children in Birmingham and the North East do with less tooth decay but fail to point out the statistics and research which show that these areas have the highest rate of children born with thyroid problems, an illness which is know to be caused by excess flouride. Birmingham also spends more on dental care than manchester so is it the fluoride or the money which keeps those statistics up
Which would we rather have perfect teeth or a nation of people with long term health problems costing the country
Fluoride is a class 2 poison banned in most european countries, it was used in concentration camps to keep the inmates quiet and adding it to our water is a breach of human rights as it will be mass medication
thyroidisease, at 04 February, 2008
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